Cy Tolliver

This week's Woo Nation with Ric Flair is a recommenable listen to even non-wrestling fans. I've mentioned in here before that its more of a recounting of a guy telling tales of a high flying debaucherous lifestyle in the 70's and 80's than an expose on wrestling or anything.

They did bring in Ewan McGregor to record a line for Rey's vision.

Speaking of rehashy, I though Andy's Serkis' Snoke was pretty much Andy Serkis CGI Character Template. Broad, plain face like Gollum with a lot of sniffing and jutting his face out like Apes/King Kong.

They didn't. The Republic Senate was on some other planet and that was the one that was blown up.

I don't think it was too much to ask for just a couple lines that explained the politics of the situation. The fact that I had to look up online later if it was (quasi-spoiler) Coruscant that was destroyed was not in the movie's favor. The abolishing of the EU was supposed to make things simpler. Its Wookiepedia's

I got 3:2 odds on it being an edict on Valentines Day being some sort of ruse thought up by greeting card and candy companies. Its got the bonus aspect of the greedy corporation narrative that this audience would eat up (like a valentines day chocolate bar).

My favorites include:

Two weeks? I'd say since The Dissolve Exodus. (Except for Will Harris' Random Roles)

A Pop Culture Thing that AV Club Didn't Cover This Week:

Ann Dowd. Seven.

I thought she looked all right, no worse for wear than Harrison Ford who certainly looked even more past his sell by date than he did in Crystal Skull and Mark Hamill who looked too paunchy to be the savior of the galaxy

The first google hit is The Verge who out AVClubbed the AV Club with their headline "The new Ghostbusters are fighting the ghosts of the patriarchy". The newswire editors here are going to be kicking themselves for not coming up with that one first.

Projected onto a woman's foot?

Rachel McAdams represents the breadsticks.

"Frank Sinatra's smarmy voice makes Christmas all about him"

I'm predicting this will be the cinematic equivalent of Olive Garden. An attempt at a more "exotic" and "worldy" taste but still a Marvel Cinematic strip mall restaurant experience.

Upvoted for the minor swipe at "nu-AVC".

This is your chance people. If you shun this at the box office, you can finish Ryan Reynolds' career off for good. This is his last lifeline towards being a Hollywood leading man.

I actually think it's due to having a relatively liberal democrat in office the last 7 years. Aggrieved and angry People of a certain socioeconomic background had the Bush White House as a punching bag throughout the 00s and now just wildly throw punches at anything and everything now.