Cy Tolliver

The worst case scenario is situations like this lead to crowd sourced, middle brow mediocrities. In other words, Netflix Originals.

2011 was a much simpler time. The great big snowball of blind internet rage toward things like this was a lot smaller.

That is true. He rises to the level of merely acceptable in Sith.

On one of the dvd special features, it shows Lucas in a pre-production meeting for Clones and he is brainstorming making Dooku an all digital character. Considering people unanimously liked Christopher Lee, another pretty big bullet was dodged.

I did a run through of the prequels (for the first time in 7-8 years) at home over the past week and I found them oddly engaging. For one thing, I never find them boring. The overall story works. Palpatine's political machinations are actually pretty clever in their simplicity. (Stir stuff up as Sidious, take the

I'd actually be curious to see if the Star Wars profit this year covers the combined total losses for John Carter, The Lone Ranger, Tron Legacy, and Tomorrowland. It could be close

It was my favorite show of the year pretty easily over The Leftovers, which came on strong a little too late in the season for my taste. TD in all it's messy glory was a fascinating ride for 8 weeks.

Beyond all the old school territory wrestlers, I think there's a REALLY good movie to be made loosely based on the ego, paranoia, and cocaine fueled main event WWF scene circa 1990. Think Hogan, Warrior, Vince, and Savage and all their neuroses about each other.

Maybe so, but then we'd have to delve into the area of those people that enjoy movies for the "wrong" reasons (i.e. people glamorizing Tony Montana or Michael Corleone). If Stallone had presented a heavyweight division populated by white boxers, it would have been both laughable and to modern eyes, "problematic".

I find this notion out there that the early Rocky movies were racist a little disconcerting. The character of Apollo Creed was always presented well. The movies didn't just go down the route of "the cocky black guy". Apollo was always shown as being incredibly business savvy and even hand picking "a snow white

I've actually been able to appreciate V a little more now that it's not The End. I think there's some interesting dichotomies being presented between the Mike Tyson/pay per view era heavyweight scene and the back end of the Ali era "glory days" that the first Rocky associated itself with. I'd rank it above III.

She called Return of the Jedi, "impersonal and rather junky" but this article has its narrative.

I feel like the bubble is about to burst. Too much genre and mediocrity being passed off as "prestige".

Yes, I love the lighting and Waltz's whispering and slight head movements. Plus, even though much of the setup was teased in the earliest trailers, they threw in a scene of extreme violence (eerily set to no score(or so I remember)) to keep people on their toes.

Don't forget that just this past week brought us "Frank Sinatra’s smarmy voice makes Christmas all about him".

I think it's fascinating how far the JJ Trek franchise has fallen in the echo chamber of Internet film geeks. Nolan's Dark Knight trilogy is nipping at its heels though.

Well, you know why they picked it.

Yes, that needs to be on this list. I'd have settled for the bare knuckle fight scene in the train that's a great homage to the Connery/Robert Shaw fight in From Russia with Love.

If you feel Rome is a little light on thrills at the start, just wait. The producers were told the second season would be its last so tons of story is jammed into 10 episodes.

Spielberg's blockbusters, both produced and directed, were pretty varied throughout the 80's. The 90's and 00's were filled with Emmerich and Bay, in particular, using the same template over and over again.