Cy Tolliver

Speaking of HBO, did the trailer for Vinyl get a newswire? Its looking pretty good. Going to make a good 1-2 punch in 2016 with Westworld.

The AV Club

Melody Ranch which acted as the main thoroughfare is still standing and in operation for what its worth.

Teddy Roosevelt actually wanted to form a volunteer army to fight in World War I with Seth Bullock serving as one of the officers.

A possible emissary from God arrives in a beach town and has strange interactions with a dysfunctional family of surfers and other townspeople.

DIfficult to just broadly recommend to anyone. I suppose if you wanted to watch a cast full of good actors deliver strange dialogue that doesn't always make sense, its worth it. I'm enjoying it more than I thought I would.

I'm currently working through JFC for the first time from start to finish and had that show been on the air in 2005 or 2012 or basically any era in HBO's history that wasn't within 12 months of Sopranos, Deadwood, and Rome ending, people would consider it some underwatched lost classic (although I'd disagree). Being

Alright hoopleheads, even though I stand to gain from a Deadwood continuation, I don't know if picking up a year later with 10 year older actors is the best of fucking ideas. So hear me out cocksuckers. How about a two hour movie about the Last Days of Al Swearengen in Denver 1904 with him receiving blowjobs and

Watch Armie Hammer and find out!

Positives as I see them:
60's spy aesthetic
Henry Cavill makes a fine square jawed leading man
Beautiful femme fatales

On the BSG DVD's there was was special feature detailing Eick splitting off to produce the Bionic Woman on the soundstages right across from the BSG crew in Vancouver. Everyone made it sound like they expected this friendly rivalry to continue for years and years without anyone having the foresight that it would last

Yeah, I think the movie is a handful of really, really great scenes tethered together by the crappy Basterds sections. Those little runts annoyed me actually.

For what its worth Inglorious Basterds was released in August and the Kill Bills were spring/fall. Death Proof was infamously released on Easter. Not sure off the top of my head about all the others.

No need to get mad about it, bro. I'm glad you brought up critics though because I like discussing the industry. Greenwald at Grantland is real wishy washy to me. Not a fan. Sepinwall (and Fienberg) are two of my favorites. In fact, I was suprised they didn't like this season of TD as I'm often on the same page

It got fairer treatment here than other outlets. But hey, my prediction of critics reevaluating this season came to fruition a lot sooner than I expected. Once people come to the realization that the dialogue was intentionally stylized, more will follow. I mean a dead guy was referred to as having "his ticket

Its about closeted New Jersey mobsters fleeing to New Jersey and falling in love with short order cooks. I love you Johnny Cakes.

I don't think DiCaprio is a Great Actor but he has an impeccable ability to choose good roles in interesting projects with strong directors attached. He hasn't signed on to a job just for a paycheck (at least I don't think so judging by his filmography) in at least 15 years. Maybe ever?

To be honest, its been 6 or 7 years since I read it so specific recollections are a little hazy. I do remember some interesting anecdotes about the exhibits and personalities that were in town for the Fair but you could just as easily find those tidbits online. All in all, the book just left me cold and I'm pretty

Yeah, I really regret reading about him. Don't wiki him, people. Its too fucked up.

I found the details of the World's Fair more interesting than the serial killer portions of the book. Having read this and Dead Wake, I don't think I'm really a fan of the way Larson delivers history. I suspect the movie could be better than the book in this case.