Cy Tolliver

So how did the hair piece look in person?

Grantland seems to make it work and their material isn't nearly as good as peak AV Club. Although I think they're a prestige loss leader for ESPN.

The AV Club could use those talented writers. There's been a hole in the good long form esoteric stuff here since they left.

I'm genuinely curious if the ol' AV Club posts a newswire on that. (I'm guessing 'no'"

In terms of genre movies though, Crom laughs from his mountain at 1984.


I just think it's fascinating that the definition of nerd has changed from "being into science and reading a lot" to "watches a lot of sketch and alt comedy".

You'll be all right as long as you stay away from any green screens.

So, this was schemed up by Peter Jackson after the internet's response to The Hobbit movies, right?

What's funny is that I'd say 1983 was the last year that comedies had that fuzzy, dingy look to them but European Vacation kind of disproved that.

Well I'm seeing Louis CK getting off scot free because he's "one of us" so maybe?

It looks really cheap (although the same could be said of the original). I'm not sure if I've ever watched it start to finish unedited though.

Hey man, its not like I said European Vacation!

Rolling Stone would run with it.

Looking at his imdb, I see he played Jilly from Philly, the wiseguy that shows Nick Papageorgio the ropes in Vegas Vacation. Considering the movie can be found on tv every week, I always thought that was a pretty slick character. I also think its time to reevaluate Vegas as arguably the best of the Vacation series.

Shhhhtone. That's your name? George Shhhhtone? What'sssssh your real name?

As someone who enjoys reading bad yelp reviews, thanks for the heads up.

It's still better than the All Donald Trump AV Club that was featured last week. I'd suggest refocusing on long form pieces like Grantland does but the click is king I suppose.

Yeah, in certain ways I respected the movie more than I expected for making gutsy decisions. I don't think the internet hive mind has really processed the movie yet.

There's enough distance from the 90's now to know that the 80's smoked it in terms of genre fare.