Higgs Boson

Jimmy's commercial airs - it was the culmination of his efforts at guerilla cinematography. It was his moment where Kim should be the one saying "I love seeing you like this." And he can really be proud of his work. And what does he do but turn off his phone and go in to see his brother.

Would the Seinfeld aliens be recurring characters going back 24 years? Because then it would totally make sense.

ACTUALLY, it was Damn you Walt Whitman, (start kicking each word) I hate you Walt Freaking Whitman, then, Leaves of Grass My Ass, with the Grass/Ass accents as was noted.

Walter Black?

I can't bring myself to read the books OR watch the show, because all I can picture is RR getting all hot and sweaty writing about the exposed bosom.  He writes a particularly steamy paragraph with his brow furrowed, and reaches up to wipe the sweat from his temple, only to realize he was clenching his lower lip, so

Felt all internet smug that I got the 'flames on my face reference' without clicking, only to realize the title of the episode was Clue, and that whole mess in the helicopter yard was essentially a game of clue.  Internet smug depleted.  I'm going back to my field.

This.  McFarland missed the whole point of the joke, they didn't just crash a car into a bunch of bystanders, they crashed it into an Ed Hardy store with some 'customers' gathered in front of it, then got out an laughed.  That was an absolute DVR repeat moment.

Gotta get at LEAST an A- for Alison Brie in that dress. Good Lawd!

So the episodes musta been out of order, because "the fat guy you killed" and "there really ARE gas canisters up here" made no sense two weeks ago.  Or… were they in the intended order, and Adam Reed is trolling me?  Hmmm.

So there was a LOT going on this episode, but I can't help but feel it was a missed opportunity to not have Jack deliver a GOOD DAY SIR, I SAID GOOD DAY to Kenneth.

I understand the writers want to move the story ahead - but why would  Rachel *not* grab the pendant and smash the amplifier?  She was so surprised by Miles, the guy everyone would have been talking about off-camera, she had to stroll over and slap him?  Then they just passively run away and dont make any effort to

I understand the writers want to move the story ahead - but why would  Rachel *not* grab the pendant and smash the amplifier?  She was so surprised by Miles, the guy everyone would have been talking about off-camera, she had to stroll over and slap him?  Then they just passively run away and dont make any effort to

- Talk to the hand… I'm sorry you have to please that monster
- Flicking the bean like Mean Joe Green
- Taco could see Jenny's AND the baby's souls.

- Talk to the hand… I'm sorry you have to please that monster
- Flicking the bean like Mean Joe Green
- Taco could see Jenny's AND the baby's souls.

Oh, so YOU are the other person.  Pleasure to meet you.

Oh, so YOU are the other person.  Pleasure to meet you.

Only if it were Mad Men, then the review would contain 11 paragraphs about its symbolism.

Only if it were Mad Men, then the review would contain 11 paragraphs about its symbolism.

Bob Johnson!

Bob Johnson!