Higgs Boson

… And then after you watch, there's the recap.

… And then after you watch, there's the recap.

I figured he went into the warehouse to OD with the POTW.  He did wake up in that haze, meaning he at least took something.  But he *did* wake up, and then has an internal debate about just laying down and dying in a fire.  Fast forward and he decides, no, I *can* change, and lumbers to the door, where he sees his

I figured he went into the warehouse to OD with the POTW.  He did wake up in that haze, meaning he at least took something.  But he *did* wake up, and then has an internal debate about just laying down and dying in a fire.  Fast forward and he decides, no, I *can* change, and lumbers to the door, where he sees his

There was that moment when Foreman was trying to force Dr Mom on the team, insisting it would be a great idea, and Chase said something along the liens of, "No it wouldn't, Eric."  A very power-move using his first name.

Oooo despite several DVR rewinds I thought Criss said she SHOULD give up on having a baby, and the following Liz lines confused me greatly.   Thank you, interweb, for setting me straight.

Fundies that suckle at the teet of Fox and get offended at nothing are no better than smug hipsters who suckle at the teet of Stewart and get offended at nothing.  Poor Emperor Jim for trying to reason with them.

New to me, and for that I thank you, and the interwebs.

So you finally got me to register.  Just so I could say how great that episode would have been but then I think about what the actual premiere was.  (spoiler?)  With that SPECTACULAR narrative technique of having Dr OptOut whisper something in the finale, then the big reveal in the premiere, trying to talk to Sol on