
BJ's sudden competition with Kate's daughter was great. It was the Jenna Malroney attention grab.

"There are a lot of things Jimmy can't do well but faking a seizure isn't one"

For the historical record: I find human September to be quite attractive. 

Lincoln Lee!

"life's a barrel of fish
uh….yes it is!"

Dr. Doofenschmirtz song in the valentine's episode (the Platypus resturant episode): "When our evil armies march
to the beating of our hearts"

It's a hilarious song to feature directly after "the sadder, but wiser girl for me" (with the immortal lyrics "I hope/I pray/ for Hester to win/just one more A" sung in front of a little girl).

"She may cry
but her tears will dry
when I hand her the keys
to a shiny new Austrailia"

Marian the Librarian is the moment I knew that was a top five movie for me.

I love the Music Man. The "Goodnight my Someone/76 Trombones" part always gets stuck in my head.

I am very openly cheering for Phoenix. I don't even care that he doesn't want the award. I just want him to win.

Nice to see James McAvoy back in action. And with Danny Boyle!

I watch 127 Hours for the first time this past year and I had the same reaction about waiting to see him cutting off his arm…and then when it finally got there I realized I was so sympathetic to the character that I wanted to see anything but him cutting the arm. Really a fantasic film in my mind.

Dear Ben Affleck,

James Franco hosted the year he was nominated for 127 Hours

I suspected I might be wrong when I wrote it but then I got lazy and didn't double check.

I'll be honest and say that I am a solid fan of The Village's first hour.

pretty sure this is a picture from production of The Village. The characters were all living inside Walker Nature Preserve owned by John Hurt's character.

Wayward Pines? I would definately marinate a chicken in that.

"Hi Steven,
Great movie + five minutes. Work on that.