Ruth Dunbar

I MUST see this. Thanks for the tip.

Yay! Glad to be of service.

Because I love this show so much, and because I want to help, I went and did some digging. You are referring to the episode entitled "Rebarella", season 4, episode 6, which originally aired 10/21/89. I have the series on Blu-ray so I watched it to make sure. Reba the Mail Lady has a date with Derek the Fireman and

I would have sexual relations with the performance of "Jolene" from "Under Great White Northern Lights".

Ahhhh… a "Justified" convert. You're among friends here.

My thighs hurt.

Needs to be life size and anatomically correct.

That Genesis video was strange as hell to my middle school eyes. The 80's, man.

I like Lester Holt, my local NBC news is terrific, and I'll probably hate watch Today for the rest of my miserable life. But outside of that, yeah, they have nothing I want once Hannibal ends.

I initially thought it was Tawney's dream, but I like your interpretation better.

Just 10 minutes? I mean, I'll take whatever I can get but that's some "Be sure to drink your Ovaltine"-grade bullshit.

I want to believe as well. Alex was my favorite. We can all lose our shit together.

True but does he have to stay dead?

I wouldn't dare play with your heart. So far it's listed on Nicholas Lea's imdb, for whatever that's worth, and when I saw that and lost my shit I went nosing around and found this: "Also returning for The X-Files miniseries event are Mitch
Pileggi as Skinner, William B. Davis as the Smoking Man, Annabeth Gish

Evidently so is Krycek! KRYCEK!!

Jim sends head butts.

The only way this episode could have been better is if Chilton had galloped through being his usual sexy bitchy self.

Oh Seabreeze, I'm so sorry for your loss.

this was helpful, thanks

I've thought the same thing about Foulkes.