Ruth Dunbar

I guess, once I saw Trey in the kitchen, I was leaning toward him actually being there (as a way of really trying to provoke Daniel), but again, who knows. I agree, it does seem like a bit much for even Trey, but then he really does seem to have a giant boner for pinning George's death on Daniel, so at this point I

Well, that's a good point. Who the hell knows, really?

First of all, Trey can kiss my ass. What the hell is he doing, walking into the house like that? Honestly, I felt like he was daring Daniel to attack him, provoking him right on that brand new kitchen floor. He sure is trying hard.

Thank you. I thought I was going nuts for a second. That was his diner friend.

This came too late to include a Marshal Stiffy or Tim Gutterson's Boner. :sad trombone:

Zeppelin, ungh…I envy you. I have a big sweet naughty kitty named Jimmy Page.

Will the large dark nipple people be back?

I feel I should be punished for laughing.

It was his cover of "The Promise", was it not? A good choice…

Man, they should try an eye patch on Hicks. That would be off the charts hot. Oh god I love him.

I'd still climb that Biehn—stalk.

I understand, Seabreeze. I still can't really talk about it.

This episode was a great send off for Verger, but my goodness I will miss Mikkelsen as Hannibal. More specifically, I'll miss Hannibal's subtle facial expressions. I think my favorite thing about this episode was the way Hannibal seemed to be amused by everything, that is, when he wasn't slightly bored: delighted by

Fuller has said in the past that Hannibal changes his strategies in response to however events unfold in front of him, so I think this next best way of being a troll seems completely reasonable for Hannibal. I mean, to the extent that anything he does is reasonable.

God he's hot.

Yikes, thanks for the heads up.

Huh. Interesting. I wasn't aware of that, either.

Same here, but I grew up in central Kentucky (Lexington, in other words, "Justified" territory) and Teddy reminds me of every middle class, golf playing, good ole boy, dismissive of women asshole I ever encountered there. Right down to the clothes he wears! The only thing missing is the sunglasses hanging from his

I love that guy, even though he's only made a couple of appearances in the entire series. He's always polite and dignified toward Daniel, and I was delighted to see him again. Between him and Melvin, it was nice to see some kindness directed toward Daniel in this episode.

I installed Hola and went straight to the citytv link someone provided elsewhere. Haven't watched but it appears to work!