Ruth Dunbar


A few days after Prince died, I spent Sunday morning crying in the Waffle House on the campus of Georgia Tech — the one kinda near the Fox Theater, where Prince played his last show. They were playing Prince on the jukebox and I was all, "oh god, if you play Prince, I'm gonna cry" and the servers were like "please

Seriously, these people are like shark's teeth.

He was screwing around on her as well, if you're to believe the locals who would see him out with a bunch of women when he was in NC filming scenes from "The Fugitive".

Krulik is also responsible for the more recent and highly entertaining "Led Zeppelin Played Here", which examines the DC-area legend that LZ performed at the Wheaton Youth Center in 1969.

I know!

I went from being 100% indifferent to Joe to being a total fan of his, just by virtue of being in this movie and being so obviously a fan of Pee Wee. He was so charming and likeable in this. The fact that he is hotter than the flaming blazes of hell has nothing to do with it. Weird is your middle name? You big

It's been a while since I've read the book but it essentially reads like a script for the film. There's not much to the novel; it's only around 200 pages long. The two main ways the film and, by extension, the series, veers from the book is that a) in the book, Norman is a balding, unattractive, 40-year-old man and

and it turns out Jimmy Page is his son

RIP Tina.

Ok, gotcha. Thanks for the clarification.

Thanks for mentioning this because the idea that Rey is a Mary Sue is confusing to me. My understanding of "Mary Sue" is that, for example, if I wrote Poe Dameron fanfic where he meets a nice, somewhat older economist lady friend (ahem) who could show him some demand curves (with Han!), THAT would be a Mary Sue. But

I read this in Art Mullen's voice.

I so love "Witness" that a friend of mine declared April 30th "Eli Lapp Day" because 4/30 is time for milking. It's well acted, he and Kelly McGillis have great chemistry, and it's quotable as hell — the writers evidently decided that the Amish are snarky as fuck. It was the first rated R movie I ever went to see — I

Hoo boy, just wait until you get to season 2 of Justified…

Thank you!

That lunch scene from The Breakfast Club makes me want those very cookies Emilio Estevez has in front of him. I lived in the Chicago suburbs as a kid in the early 1980's and my parents would buy those chocolate chip cookies. I don't even remember the brand but I remember that distinctive brown and white bag they came

Saw "Spotlight" yesterday, and it is fantastic. I predict awards nominations for Mark Ruffalo and Michael Keaton.

Easy. Mads Mikkelsen.