Ruth Dunbar

I agree. That was my biggest disappointment — Amantha couldn't try to enjoy a few moments with her brother after he put forth an effort for her.

I'm going to pretend I haven't already seen tonight's Rectify and just watch it again. Inflatable Tube Man, inflate!

Pretty much

I've never seen this, but Shelley Long is criminally underrated as a comedic actress.

That is the only redeeming thing about this. Having to make that choice between dvr'ing one and watching the other live killed me last week.

I'm intrigued as well. I haven't had coffee yet so I got nothing beyond that at the moment.

You know, I also thought just for a second that he might be faking it. There was a look in his eye. But jboehle is probably right — he was likely just trying to seem normal.

The Senator's stroke was an interesting development. I've often wondered why Faulkes has had such a raging boner for throwing Daniel back in prison. I mean, yes, it was a terrible crime, he was the prosecutor, it's a small town and all that, but the intensity with which he has approached this case 20 years later has

Somebody somewhere — maybe it was one of the commenters here last season — alluded to the idea that Tawney had grown up in foster care. I had no clue where that idea came from at the time, but that conversation with Miss Cathy where she said something like "yes, I remember mealtime" had me remembering that and

You're right, he's been fantastic. My only complaint is that in this episode he was reminding me too much of a grotesque Greg Kinnear. It was all I could think about when I saw him.

I'll have a look, just to see her. Hell, I went to see that awful "August: Osage County" just because she was in it. MAGS 4 EVER.

Gah, I love booty shorts on men, er, at least on William Petersen and "Bosom Buddies"-era Peter Scolari. Smart girl.

I was just thinking of that one episode from late in the first season —"Blowback" I think it was— the one where a prisoner holds an officer hostage in the locker room and Tim is sent out to requisition some spicy chicken. Is that a bottle episode?

I'd watch a show where each episode is just Mads and Laurence beating the shit out of each other. They're great at it!

I realize this is ridiculous because Hannibal is evil, but I've grown so attached to the show and to Mads as Hannibal, that I HATED seeing him get his ass kicked, even though I know he has that and worse coming to him. As he was limping away, all bloodied, he cradled his arm in a way that just broke my heart. That

Vera has always sort of reminded me of Gillian, so it would be extra blissful. There could be lots of fun conflict — Hannibal stabs dude in temple, Norma snorts and gets all bent out of shape over it, and then dumps the body in a pond before Hannibal has a chance to eat the guy. Rude! Norma has to work hard to keep

"a two hour block of this and Bates Motel would be insane"

"Neil Diamond Parking Lot" is a hoot. Also, if you ever get the chance to see Jeff Krulik's "Led Zeppelin Played Here", go. It's a lot of fun.

For my man-crazy money, Michael Biehn's bare butt > anything in T2, although I do admit that Robert Patrick was pretty cool.

I agree. If he's going to be in more episodes (which I think he is), I'll watch just to see him.