Mr. SoppyGobFace

"Oh Holy Fuckin'
Fuck! You fuckin' can't talk about horse-jizz on the Goddamn Teevee anymore??!! What the fuck is this fucking shit? Goddamn fucking assholes."

to Sean O'Neal for your "Trends that need to die already". I'm assuming you're talking about WAVVES* and Times New Viking, etc. I am in totes agreement. These bands seriously need to stop being bad on purpose. But I guess they're too busy getting their dick sucked by Pitchfork to realize how annoying their

I like HASH; it makes me think you have a really thick Boston accent.

What the eff, AVClub?? No Master and Commander OR Jesse James OR Lost in Translation, but you leave in fuckin' Moulin Rouge (one of teh WORST movies, seriously!) and Eff'n A.I.??? For FUCK's FUCK!

Love both the confession scene in Almost Famous and the bedroom shootout in Jesse James.

I Would Add…
-The "Shaving Scene" from The Royal Tenenbaums

I would nominate the prank phone calls scene from Anchorman.

Just Curious
But did anyone at the AVClub vote for The Meadowlands by The Wrens? I didn't see it in the orphans and not even many people seem to be talking about it in the comments, but…

He just wants to see boys' linuses.

This is ripe for parody. RIPE!!!

Official Ironmen Rally Song owns my ass. So does Motor Away. And Chasing Heather Crazy.

Human Amusement at Hourly Rates
is also a good place to start for the true newbie. You get both I Am a Scientist and Game of Pricks in one place!

"Smells like dirt that's been fucked by a hobo."

*give every Emmy

I'm not sure
how the Emmys work, but is It's Always Sunny eligible? If so, they should just every Emmy to Charlie Day. Even the lady Emmys.

The Office was definitely better. But since nobody who votes for Emmys actually watches television, I'm not optimistic about Wilson or Carell finally winning either.

Ummm….Steve Carell's never won an Emmy. You're thinking of Tony Shaloub.

I also don't understand why Kevin Dillon gets in but Rhys Darby gets shafted? I guess the Emmys need to meet their Entourage quota.

Thank God
Jeremy Piven wasn't nominated this year. Oh my God, I thought he was actually going to keep winning that award every year after fucking year as long as that shitty show was on.

To me, it's just a buncha junk.