Cookie McCool

Somehow there was no shame in bags full of dice, bad drawings of titsy characters by friends who desperately wished they were Vallejo, more rule books than any man could carry, and enough sugar to give all of China acne for life. But prancing around pretending you actually *were* living some kind of candyland

Not really adding anything new
I'm too lazy to actually read all the comments, but even just skimming brings back so many memories. I like to think of myself as some completely unique alien flower of uniqueness, but almost every comment here is about something I could've written too. Also, I'm still bitter that,

Dang, all I've seen of Idlewild was the closing credits, and they looked like they ended a kick-ass movie. Kind of a bummer that the credits were as good as it gets. Thanks for saving me from watching the whole thing, I guess?

Suck it, Scientology!
The extra culty black turtleneck really hammers the point home.

It's not Wes Anderson who chaps my ass so much, it's his insistence on casting Jason Schwartzmann, the world's tiniest robot, in all his films. If Jason and Zooey Deschanel ever had children, the little fuckers would be so blank they wouldn't even have FACES.

For my mother, it has to be a Die Hard/ Lethal Weapon double feature. We're very festive, and not very picky.

I actually really liked the conceit of the whole elimination game. A little variety was nice, because after awhile only having Sleazy Self-Absorbed Australian Wimp, Scrawny Martyr Chick Wimp, and Stand-Up Righteous Black Dude Who Dresses His Motherfucking ASS Off Every Day got kind of boring. Unfortunately, Thirteen

Maybe it's a colossal robot mindfuck and the final Cylon is… Lucy Lawless' character?!? She's a DOUBLE Cylon, bitches!

That's a very plausible theory, but unfortunately it's about a hundred times better than anything that went on in the actual episode so I can't accept it as the show's actual intentions. I find it hard to believe that any writer responsible for Shaw's obviously disposable character could come up with something that

Billy died a dumb hero getting shot by the world's must useless person in any context, dumb old Dana Delany. Or if not actually shot by Dana, getting shot by one of her lackeys.

Fashion Bug vs. Neiman Marcus
This just really seemed low budget to me in all possible ways. Even Boomer's haircut looked cheap. It's like they let high school interns do all the work. And how do you criticize your former CO for being a black market shill when you're hiding sci-fi future heroin in the damn coffee

Actually… new does not automatically mean good.

No thanks
This just sounds depressing to me. If I want to hear some Hank Williams, as I often do, there is a ton of kick-ass recorded material left behind.

I am very naive
Am I the only person in the entire world who firmly believes that Barry Bonds did not take steroids?

Listen, if the car wax tastes like cherry "flavored" Starburst, I'm going to eat it right there in the store and no smart-ass Onion commenteer is going to stop me.

When I think of Ken Nordine, I always think of hockey. Is it possible to be a sports hipster? Do they even have those? Because I could go on and on for YEARS about how it was so much better before these damn punk kids got a hold of the sport with their big pads and silly helmets and flashy beefcake calendars (and

If I thought about candy THAT much, even the Internet wouldn't be my friend anymore.

I always thought that kid had a nasty hard-on for poor Mrs. Lang. His interest was unseemly. I hope Mr. Lang kept a watchful eye out for the missus when he was around.

Chocolatesque candy is not the same thing as actual chocolate. Are Tootsie Rolls the Naugahyde of the candy world?

Tootsie Roll Pops are quite possibly the best sucker, especially the one that tastes like Luden's Wild Cherry "Cough Drops". But these mini Tootsie Roll things are terrible. They have a really creepy soft squishy texture, like they can't even try hard enough to stay cohesive. They are truly the candies of defeat.