Cookie McCool

Those are pajamas, not underwear. Man, do you even know what girls are?

I'm ashamed I laughed at that.

No, Liam, I'm pretty sure it's a scientific fact that Jim Caviezel shits on every film he's ever been in.

Ron Perlman way outweighs the crap that is Jim Caviezel. There is no movie that Ron Perlman hasn't made awesome, even an Uwe Boll movie.

If that line doesn't work for you, Malaise, you're doing it wrong. It is a winner.

Oh man, please cover Straight To Hell.

Any videogame harder than Viva Pinata gives me nightmares. Pussy is as pussy does, I guess. Maybe instead of doing the boring usual unrated version, Rob Zombie could make me a PG version? Leave the cusses in, take the severed face-wearing out?

Too bad Sid Haig will always be the guy who was Buck Rogers' bitch, twice.

I wish I weren't a pussy
I'm still kind of afraid that goddamn tree from Poltergeist is going to eat me some nights, so there's no way I'm ever going to be able watch this movie. But I really wish I could see Diamond Dallas Page's kind of film debut. That makes me feel bad.

Gene Loves Jezebel
This is page 2 of the comments, so my secret shame will likely go unremarked upon: my first concert ever was Gene Loves Jezebel, with Flesh For Lulu as an opening band. In my defense, I was only 12, and if King Diamond had been playing the same night I would've been there instead.

"Trick of the Tail" remains my all-time favorite Genesis album.

When life gives you lemons, sometimes it gives them to you early
As an extra special bonus (in addition to an autograph, a story book, some stickers, a dvd I'll never watch, another cd, and a truly disgusting lemon candy), when I pre-ordered the new Atmosphere album, they sent it to me four days early! Too bad I like

What kind of animal would be used to make a wig that fluffy? Is that blow-dried porcupine? It's fascinating. I would easily pay three dollars to spend 88-108 trying to guess the origins of the wig.

Mike Watt…
Just makes me smile. He seems so *personal*.

Thanks for the laugh, Chris
But you'll feel REAL stupid when it's revealed that Hot Dog really is the 12th Cylon, or maybe some Extra Bonus Wild Card Half-Cylon they forgot to tell us about. I fucking love Hot Dog, even if it makes me wonder about some casting nepotism, and it would be nice for him to have a beefier

It could've been worse. They cuold've been staring at you with big brown melty sad dopey empty David Schimmer eyes. Jesus. He's creeping me out up there. I'll take the dead sandblasted crickets any day.

Hey now
Dang, I was going to get all up in arms abuot that "middle aged" comment, until I discovered that Parker Posey is a little older than I thought. My bad. Mr. Murray, you go ahead and give that dried up old hag a bad review, carry on.

The Gift was your song? Jesus. That's so morbid it somehow becomes still really morbid.

To be fair, there aren't a lot of midget choices. But regardless (or irregardless, as my sister would say immediately before I STABBED HER IN THE EYE), Dinklage is a hell of an actor, and I would trust him a character that complex.

What a mess
Man, I geeked all over the place reading that. I have this horrible feeling Martin's goign to die before he finishes the series, like what's his face. I'm so excited about the book coming out, I didn't even give a shit about an HBO adaptaion. (Ok, I give a *little* shit: please please please cast Peter