Cookie McCool

Sometimes I feel so alone
Am I the only person in the world who doesn't find Larry David and his shows funny at all? Seinfeld was shrill and grating, and Curb Your Enthusiasm is assholery for assholery's sake. There are shrill and grating assholes all over the goddamn place, why would I need to watch them on the tv?

I hope Young Rodolfo is just being extra ironic.

Maybe when there are ghosts, they're ghosts of would-be hermits, so they stay at the cemeteries so they can finally have a free goddamn moment to themselves.

Tough Choice
I can't decide whether you would want to leave Tarantino out as zombie bait because as previously mentioned he is NOT a survivor, or if you would want to keep him real close to you because he is so fucking annoying even the zombies would want to avoid him. Also, dude man canNOT swear very well, no matter

Do I have to break up with books now?
I don't listen to any of his music, but I do strangely admire his complete and utter arrogance. And straight up George Bush does not care about black people. But even so, Kanye, I am not buying yuor book of goddamn sniglets.

Suicide is fine, but taking out three other people who might have quite liked their lives in an attempt to BREAK YOUR FOOT? Like the man says, ten years just ain't right.

Likfe is more interesting when you're ignorant
Not actually knowing who Silkworm is and that there are now fewer of Silkworm to not know about… This headline sounded a LOT more interesting and glamorous than it really was. I was hoping for some crazy dirty Silence of the Lambs shit, and instead it's just about your