
can we all just agree at least that rock n roll has been on a very protracted decline since sometime in the 70's and that PJ did not cause the more precipitous drops?

PJ sent rock n roll out to Grandma's house so she could teach it pinochle and make it bland.

"it's the last uncontrived, fully organic rock n roll movements that you're aware of. "

really? i feel like he is one of the patron saints of those types of stations. at least in the Philly/Jersey area.

i agree with blade runner. seattle grunge is not my favorite type of music but i have always viewed it as one of the last uncontrived, fully organic rock n roll movements. there's something to be said for that.

so Joe Strummer killed rock n roll?

i find no mention of Springsteen anywhere in the comments.

"Pearl Jam killed mainstream rock n roll with their incredibly lame, neutered version of it."

well, if they ever do make a movie, i think we have the main plot right here. hell, get Chris Tucker in there as the nosy cell mate and make it a comedy!

damn, that just completely sold me on it. Tasha, between this answer and your excellent essay about rules and boundaries in fantasy/sci-fi films, you're becoming the most influential person in my life.

so, Oswald acted alone in the book i gather?

crazy. add me to the list of those who became fascinated with the assassination as a child. JFK really got my interest around 2nd grade, through my parents. but 8th grade is when the assassination obsession went full on, when the movie came out. even went to a lecture that year by Robert Groden (High Treason).

"Is this it?"

good episode but I can't give it an A for the sole reason that Nucky's casket breakdown didn't move me at all. i'm a sucker for any emotional father-son moments and this registered nil. and if that was intentional, then they missed an opportunity to make slightly wooden Nucky a bit more human.

"This show has gotten better every week, and her basketball skills were some really good physical comedy."

not that i like the show anyway, but as a viewer i felt particularly insulted by that basketball scene.

you're thinking way too much about all this.

Mike's comments to Paulie about how Paulie always takes the high-road and he just CANT may have been the most honest and revealing things he's ever said—or that they've ever shown him saying.

i thought we decided that the doors as a musical act were actually under appreciated; trapped in the shadows of undue adulation paid to the Morrison mystique?

that's all true, but that doesn't mean that Snooks gets a lifetime pass from ever having to behave. she chose to be in a relationship, and if she really cared about said relationship, she would tone it down at the club, like everyone else on earth has to. or, accept that nobody will ever want to date your crazy ass