
I find it hard to listen to just one track from Reign in Blood. Once I hear Angel of Death, I gotta hear the whole album.

King for a Day…Fool for a Lifetime by Faith No More always sounds great when I'm pissed off.

Reading about Ichi also reminded me of Suicide Club. I borrowed both of them from my local library fairly recently, and I'd definitely recommend one to anybody who enjoyed the other. Would also love to see a write-up of SC here.

And to be fair, the baby probably peed on him first.

I have about a dozen of those titles, a couple on cassette. I'm pretty sure I bought them all used except Urban Dance Squad. I distinctly remember paying full price for Mental Floss for the Globe, and I still have that damn tape somewhere. The The's Dusk is probably my most played from that list.

Good point about the cover sticking out. I also see a shit-ton of Throwing Copper amongst the copies of Monster.

I still see Monster in almost every pawn shop, thrift store, or used record shop I visit. It must be the single most available c.d. out there.

I've been thinking about picking up one of his mustache combs. At $75, it's really the only thing on this site that I can afford.

It was a blink-and-you'll-miss-it kind of moment. But cool, nevertheless.

I was hoping they would pull out a Prince song.

I've been watching Coachella footage all weekend, Dr. Dre and Snoop are just coming on now. Highlights: Pulp, Black Keys, Buzzcocks, Wild Flag, The Hives, and seeing the Greendale Human Being in the crowd during Childish Gambino's set. Disappointed that they didn't show any of fIREHOSE's set, though.

I was a die-hard metal head in the late '80s when a bunch of my friends started getting into the Grateful Dead. I thought all the artwork on the albums, t-shirts, posters, etc. was cool, but the music didn't do a thing for me. It wasn't until I had the good fortune to attend a few shows that I started to get it, even

Agreed on Miller's Crossing. It totally bored me as a teenager when it came out, but I watched it again a few months back and I was blown away by how good it is. Barton Fink also bored me when it first came out, I need to re-watch that one again and see if has the same effect.

I started out with The Black Rider, also after reading a favorable review in RS, and I found it unlistenable at the time. It's obviously not the best starting point for anybody looking to get into Waits, but I can appreciate it much more now that I can put it into context, and I was probably too young and

I had heard Dead Letter Office from a friend who was really into R.E.M., but I didn't really start to seek out VU's stuff until I heard Phish cover Loaded in its entirety as their musical costume in 1998. So yeah, Phish was more or less my gateway to Velvet Underground, how many AV Clubbers can say that?

I used to have that shirt, also purchased at the mall. Coincidentally, I was wearing it the day I heard he died.

I used to own a black satin Iron Maiden "Piece of Mind" tour jacket which I once wore to my grandmother's house and forgot and left it there. A couple of days later, I run into her at the grocery store and she's wearing it while shopping for produce. I guess she didn't notice the straitjacketed, zombie looking

I'Ve been thinking about picking up one of these…

I saw The Locust one time and they were selling little t-shirts that were made for dogs. Maybe the coolest piece of merch I've ever seen, but then again I have seen a Frank Zappa "Titties and Beer" shirt on a baby.

I once bought a Drive-By Truckers trucker hat at one of their shows.