
Not only that, but he wrote almost all of the best lyrics on Straight Outta Compton and Eazy-Duz-It. The man (along with Ice-T) virtually defined gangsta rap.

"Prince is not the son of Martin Luther King."

If you add up all the good songs on both Use Your Illusions, you've got about an album's worth of good material. Or at least an E.P.

My first time was with an issue of National Lampoon. They used to have boobies in those.

It also does not bode well for a group with the word "Boys" in their name.

Don't feel bad, I had a thing for Tigra.

Congress Rules Everything Around Me.

It's even funnier because I read that in Daffy Duck's voice.

As funny (and sad) as the scenes are with his mom, they are what made me feel sympathetic towards Ronnie. Even though he's delusional and unhinged, it's obvious he cares for his wreck of a mother.

I won't say it's the best Dylan cover, but I like Stephen Malkmus' version of Ballad of a Thin Man a whole lot.

File under: What the fucking fuck??

File under reverent (and at times, tedious): Grateful Dead covers of Dylan tunes.

File under raucous: The Dead Weather's cover of New Pony.

I hear both teams are gonna come running out of her vagina before the start of the game.

I wonder if they even thought to ask Mika…

Busta Rhymes did it too, but I'm not sure who got there first.

With karate I'll kick your ass…

Ever see One Soldier, the little b&w short film he made? I caught it at the end of When The Leaves Blow Away on Netflix some time back. More existential than funny, but it's probably my favorite thing he's ever done.

Doug Stanhope deserves to be mentioned in the same breath as Carlin and Hicks, IMO.

As the Bill Ward Experience?