
Sharon's a first class bitch, but she gets things done. Without her, Ozzy might very well be dead. And with Ronnie James gone (RIP), almost nobody would be looking forward to a reunion with Ian Gillan.

I've got my money on Don Pardo. He's 93 years old, God bless him.

And goatees make great ball ticklers.

That actually seems like something Calvin would do, as opposed to pissing on a NASCAR number or a sports team logo.

6) Is wearing an article of Tapout clothing.

I got a rock.

Oh no, there goes Juanito…

Johnny Blue Jeans would like to have a word with you.

No Chop Top from Texas Chainsaw Massacre II?

There's only one way to make the Pro Bowl watchable.

You are correct. According to Wikipedia, only one episode with her in it aired. Also, she was in Gremlins, which I did not realize. Hopefully, all this info will come in handy one day when I'm playing the '80s edition of Trivial Pursuit.

Don't forget about Flo, the spinoff from Alice. Completely tanked Polly Holliday's career.

I caught that tour when they came to William and Mary. I'm glad I got to see them before Kurt offed himself, but at the time I was really disappointed because he was obviously strung out and not at all into it.

Ha, I actually saw the Misfits once (post Danzig) and their singer couldn't make the show for some reason. They went ahead with the gig anyway, letting different audience members up onstage to sing individual songs. Surprisingly, it turned out to be a really entertaining night. I'd certainly make it a point to catch

Don't I know it. On the other hand, I saw quite a few amazing shows there while it was still around; Motorhead, Bob Mould, Pavement, Slayer, Pantera, Dinosaur Jr., Violent Femmes, even Green Day rocked the shit outta that beer-soaked joint. I really miss the Boathouse, that place had character.

Go see Motorhead. Swim across the river to Camden if you have to. $52 ain't shit to see a legend. Hell, I'd buy you the ticket if I wasn't so unemployed.

You struck a nerve mentioning the Ramones. Seems like they'd come around every year to the Boathouse in Norfolk, VA. (just across the water from my hometown), and every year I'd vow to catch 'em the next time. I never did, and then they broke up and started dropping like flies. I don't do much regrettin', but I regret

I've got some neighbors that constantly play country music (the shitty new stuff, not the good old stuff) occasionally interrupted by Nickelback, which would seem to be the only rock music they like. I've been wondering if I should hit 'em with some Zappa/Mothers or go all out with some Mr. Bungle…