
Barry's wife being a spy actually makes perfect sense.

Skimming the review, I agree with what is said even though I still enjoyed the show. I am simply waiting for the other shoe to drop. Whether that shoe is Barry being turned into brutal dictator worst than Jamal ever could be or Barry western sensibilities backfiring in face.

I like this shake up of having Mike work somewhere else. It feels like the show has refresh itself and hope they it gets better. Mike at the firm last season was wearing itself down.

This explanation makes perfect sense. The entire time I am thinking of the potential future of Christina happening from Grey's hospital but in reality it will happened somewhere else. Simply just replace the work she will do with the work she did at Grey's hospital. I think they did a really great job with send off of

I whole heartedly agree. A lot of time Webber is making moves and doesn't tell anyone about them. He didn't inform Yang so how we should know. He actually sought to talk to her about it then she would have informed him bluntly.

This was a great episode. I am exciting for next season to see how all the storylines happened. They got rid of the fluff interns that didn't work and gave everyone in my opinion interesting story lines for next season.

That was an Awesome episode. I can't wait for next season to see where the take the characters. It seems they really know their shows fans because I felt several times they were just playing with our emotions, i.e. oliver felicity relationship, but then it quickly made sense.

I really like this episode more than last week. Last week was a little too much even though it delivered. This week was great because of the setup (Olivia's mom) and closure (Olivia having a cause and main enemy if an organization can be call such a thing). Finally, I feel like Olivia is back after her long tumble

I couldn't agree more about your opinion of the reviews. I thoroughly enjoyed this episode. I really come to read the comments and skim the review.

The episode worked for me.

What did I just watch. This episode jumped in quality caught me off guard. And I love every bit of it. It managed to have me care about the character deaths and enjoy the comic book vibe even more. This episode represents Arrow at its best and I can't wait until January to see where the show will get next.

I feel like this show is starting to find a groove. It was getting more and more entertaining each week. Solid B sounds good to me but I would even go as far as B+


I agree. A for me as well.

B+. Amidst the stupidity on Governor's girlfriend not watching her daughter, this episode delivered. It showed Governor's true colors and destruction that ensue when people aren't willing to communicate, unwilling to change, and become emotion zombies (completely selfish with regard to others with no ethical core) was

Couldn't agree more!

Ok, great! Its personal preference that I enjoy Dracula more than Sleepy Hollow but I am giving sleepy hollow a second chance since I didn't make it past episode 2 the first time.

I can't see how Sleepy Hollow comes close to Dracula quality wise. But I only watched the first 3 episodes of Sleepy Hollow and I wanted so much more from it but it felt like a poor man's Scandal: Horror Style without the intensity and roller coaster ride I indulge in when watching Scandal. Has it stepped it up?

I didn't even read the review when I saw the B score. We need to get back user grades because this episode was an B+ or even A-. I love this show. NBC please don't loose your two gems: Dracula and Hannibal
