
I couldn't sleep after watching this episode. My mind was blown. I was like I need to talk someone. anyone. This episode was definitely an A episode in how everything came together. The best part is I get to re-watch the series and see the hints that were there that makes everything clear that was happening in the

I couldn't agree more about your Jason assessment.

I think a lot of Jason stupidity as a leader make sense. He (and the first generation) never seemed to be taught to question things as well as being coddled. And since they have been following Pilcher and Pyscho-lady they are easy to fall into the stupidity of arrogance. I like the reminder the show gives me of how so

At the end when Jasper smiled hearing the laughter was that because he feels he will find Joy or was that ALIE. I just want to make sure ALIE was killed.

This episode was wonderful! When Maggie telling Mer she thinks Riggs likes her, oh I can't wait for next season to see how that situation turns out.

The episode was so riveting yet painful to watch. Painful because it was a slow burn of what Elizabeth were doing to those people. I really hated the character Elizabeth and wanted her to redeem herself from taking a stand against her idealogy and paranoia. My only solace is that this show is fictional. Then I realize

I also felt that this episode was not only funny but moving (emotional) by the end. Not necessarily I cried but it may me feel. That's what I love about watching black-ish.

I love this episode of black-ish as it was hilarious in telling the truth. It always mom I would look for when I was sick. However, when mom is unavailable dad would save me in his own way. Especially when he gave me a onion (chopped) cough drop (crushed) honey tea mix to drink. I got healthy super fast!

Damn Jules! Second time she just screwed Quentin and screwed him even worse.

Ok, am I the only one that the episode had me close to tears when eldest daughter was like I will take care of them. Black-ish got me all sentimental

Who killed Reyes/tried to kill Karen in the shootings that were pinned on Frank? I thought it was clear that Frank military boss was the blacksmith and was the one that killed the other people to type up loose ends.

This episode was hilarious but my goodness bow was looking gorgeous in the black outfit during scene with Dre and his mom.

I had to give this episode my grade first before I read the review. I thought this episode was captivating and scary. For me its progress both stories while pulling me in for next week episode.

I assumed quite a bit of time has past like this show has always done, which was why Rollo learned French and caught Gisla off guard. I agree with the review that Gisla finally found him worthy of her once she knew where his allegiances lie and the effort he put in. And plus when you get that first taste of sex, and

Private Practice was the best. And ended when it needed to. I actually like Private Practice more than Grey's during the time it was on. Although, that was probably due to being on during Grey's not so stellar seasons

I'm so happy that greys reviews are back! A show that is always my first watch on Thursday and have been with since the beginning.

I found this episode to be hilarious especially with ruby making all these claims on the car. Resetting all the AM church stations comment put me in tears lol

Once I saw the reviewer grade I instantly skipped the recap. I long embraced the show jumping the shark and the season finale was emotional and riveting to me. I kept thinking it will end on some cliffhanger but it kept going to its conclusion. Some things in life can't be explained so why do it just live your life

I love it! Some people might hate it but for me it was riveting and I was like i will go for the full craziness. I either wanted them to pull back or full throttle, no half measure. They decided to full throttle and let's keep going!

I didn't agree with the review's grade since the episode has me laughing the entire time. Reading all the comments below made me remember my own hairline story. Instead of Dre's barber messing up his hairline I had decided to be giving my self a shape and wasn't paying attention when I messed up my hairline in the