
Yes, thank you for the monthly check-ins! I thought I was going to have to keep commenting on last month review. I enjoyed this episode except for peggy story line. I cringed and fast forward through her scene. I can't wait for her storyline to be over however they deal with her. I also had to fast fwd through

Although the events can be ridiculous, when you put together current events and characters traits along with the back stories everything just seems to make crazy sense. And of course, addictive to watch.

Oh my goodness, this is the Scandal I know and love. Everybody has an interesting plot going on character wise and so ready to find out how everything does and does not connect. The look on the president face at the end as Olivia shepard him out was priceless.

I am loving these reviews. So ecstatic to have avclub reviewing Scandal after going through the wilderness of no Scandal reviews

Lol, that would be a moment but I feel Avery wants to get away from overproduced stuff. That would be irony at its finest.

This week (10/23/2013) was another great episode. I am liking where they are taking all of the characters. So now we see that Juliette was right about Layla, a wolf in sheep clothing just playing the game. Seeing Scarlett and Deacon together at the end was touching almost up there with the little girls singing deacon

What a great way to start the season! No wonder she has daddy issues.

Just can't handle the downfall of Smash like this. Just not a redeeming character. And just never mans up.

Of all the interns, they had to kill the likable one even if she was annoying character. And Shonda Rhimes knows how to end an episode. That Richard voiceover at the end with the close up on Meredith was beautiful. That is another moment that makes it so worth it following the series since the beginning.

Daniel and Adriana's friendmance FTW

I have a few disagreements. First, I felt the Fikshun and Jasmine routine was great. Yes Jasmine was superb in it but I thought Fikshun represented himself well (of course not on Jasmine level). I thought it was captivating and the only thing that stuck out like a sore thumb was when Fikshun did the leap over Jasmine

I couldn't have said it better @avclub-b7345a96d3fbcd3746d624805f429852:disqus

I hated POI as they always had to spell everything out for the audience as if we were clueless elderly people who haven't kept up with the times the past 3 decades. That stuff gets old quick a la CSI. Of course, this opinion is probably tainted by my hatred for all things CBS network outside of Football.

The season finale was awesome. I can't wait until 2014 when this series continue.

@avclub-56dfc41867dc4d05e285222c24c4e7c2:disqus To be fair they could have talked about lowering the shoulders outside of the live show. The have practices and the judges see the routines before the show so plenty of time to give them critiques before the show airs live.

Wow, before I am going to read the review, I give this episode an A. It had awesome solos, loved the group routine at the beginning, and some memorable performances. Ok, some routines were weak because of dancers out of their comfort zones but overall I didn't want the episode to end as I saw that all of the top 6

I am glad that you responded. I took a long break from HOW missing mostly all of season 2. I totally refreshed by season 3 that I watched all the S3 episodes (only 4 so far) OnDemand to catch up. So sad that when the show actually appears to becoming good its after all the readership has left.

I am actually enjoying the first couple of episodes of this season. I took a break last season and feel refreshed to watch it now. I know it is very flawed but I'm going with the flow. I feel this season is starting out stronger than last season.

You make a valid point @avclub-d155e6847d268061f3d8cd008a44a202:disqus . Now, I think about it, these daughters do be doing some crazy stuff for bad publicity. Many harp on Jon but his daughters really put him in some tough binds with their single-minded, selfish behavior. Though, I am not saying Jon actions always

Can someone explain to me how they were drinking (alcohol) at the bar for bacholerette party? I can see if they bought drink from somewhere but in the open like that. If it wasn't alcohol, why was she acting all tipsy/drunk?