
All this talk of The Lovely Bones almost makes me want to go back and read Biastoic's comments on the review. Almost.

This could be cool.
Yeah, I'd watch this.

Fair enough. I can dig it.

Robuttnik, I politely disagree. JGL does SO much more than float. He also gets beaten within an inch of his life and still manages to be badass (Brick), gets to play a seemingly psychopathic metalhead (the upcoming Hesher), and is a suave con man (The Brothers Bloom). And yes, he floats. But it's the fact that he

Cristoph Waltz vs Rutger Hauer. Who wins?

Yeah, I do like the idea of an unpretentious awards show. I just wish the sole example of this we have wasn't terrible.

God, I hate these.
I know it's cool to hate on the MTV Movie Awards (or MTVMA [pronounced Mitvmah]), but as a cinephile, I really hate this awards program. I generally dislike most awards programs, but at least there's a slight feeling of gratification when my favorite movie wins. Of course, there's also rage when my

I found the soundtrack to The World Ends With You to be insanely catchy. This, despite the fact that I hate J-pop with a passion.

Fun Fact: I could have sworn that it said Operation Pelvis Bash. I figured that it made sense, seeing as The Iron Sheik is in it.

@HipsterDbag: Yeah. They're terrible. I don't think I've ever seen one that's more than five words. Not that being long-winded is a good thing, but when those five words are something along the lines of "lulz I like her boobs", and are completely devoid of any irony whatsoever… ugh. Yeah. Youtube comments are the

Has somebody already done this?
Is there already a gimmick commenter here who writes comments in the style of youtube users? Because if not, that void needs to be filled.

I have to agree with Geogreg.I once made a statue of myself in solid gold. I must say, I looked EXTREMELY bangin'. The statue was of me, shirtless, ripping Robo-Stalin's Black Hole Energy Drive out of his chest with one hand and crushing his cold, metallic balls with the other.

I'm getting them a gift basket. It's filled with a Robocop T-shirt, a tape of the Mortal Kombat Album, Tremors on Blu-Ray, and a bag of Doritos. Nacho Cheese, of course.

The next edition of this…
Better have Bruce Campell at it. Who else would you like to see in this mode in the future?

I capitalized Fucking because that's actually his middle name.

True. I love L4D2 WAY more. But the novelty of Robert Fucking Englund must be acknowledged.

I thought it couldn't get better than the terrible Nixon impersonation that was in the last mode. I have been proved wrong.

I still kind of love Sleepyhead. I know it's not a fantastic song, and I don't listen to it that much anymore, but the ridiculously happy beats of that song keep it in my ipod to this day. And it got me pumped in that Little Bigplanet 2 trailer.

Going back to the original comment in this discussion:
Somewhere, in an abandoned warehouse full of hentai dvd's, Biastoic's ears perk up. Somebody mentioned tentacle rape. He is on his way.

What exactly do you mean by "Soul Fail"? Are you insinuating that I fail at having a soul?