
That's pretty cool. I'm glad we could get a glimpse of one last piece of work from the guy before he died.

@haysoos: I don't think there's a thumb beatdown in The Rock, but Mr. Connery does throw a knife into a guy's throat, then proceed to shoot up a ventilation system so it falls and kills a guy. But good ol' Nick Cage gets the best kill of the movie. The Rock fans, you know what I'm talking about.

Actually, it kinda WAS what the creator had in mind. FACT: The dude what made Wonder Woman also invented the polygraph. Unless my sources (Mental Floss) are wrong, the original polygraph had WAY more straps than it needed to…

What makes you so sure? Have you SEEN Sean Connery and Wonder Woman in the same place together? Well? HAVE YOU?

Dear Brianruns 10,

Seriously, we're losing a great voice here. Why the hell didn't Restrepo win Best Documentary at the Oscars?

And yes, I realize how weird/slightly stupid the phrase "great photojournalist" sounds. I just wanted to get his profession correct.

This really sucks. Restrepo was great, and I was excited to see what he would do next. We've lost a great photojournalist, guys.

@Lemur: Oh, God. I think I may have actually seen that one! MY personal favorite is what I call "The Dead Alive of Instructional Safety Videos". It's probably the goriest thing your boss could ever be allowed to show you and not get fired. The highlight of the 6-minute film involves a hideous CGI canister full of

What I imagine this school to be like
Hologram Man:"Okay, class! Today we're going to be talking about getting stupid stage names! However, you're in this school, so your parents probably hate you, which means that they probably gave you retarded names to begin with."
Meth Lady: "Jay-Lai! Stop masturbating in the

I might take some flak here, but…
I would pay very, very good money to see a SCUD: The Disposable Assassin movie. Yes, I know it's not Marvel. I don't care. It would probably have to be animated, though.

PSA's featuring celebrities sleepwalking through a 30-second spot suck. You know what's only slightly tangentially related but doesn't suck? Hilariously violent workplace safety videos. I'm pretty sure that I would pay more attention to Ashton Kutcher talking about sex slavery if it ended with his hand getting stuck

Thor VS Disney's Prom. Quite a match-up. Pretty good competitors on each side of that battle, if you ask me!
On one hand, you've got a Disney movie about high school parties. On the other hand, FUCKING SPACE VIKINGS WITH BIG-ASS HAMMERS.
Oh. Wait. I just realized that there actually isn't any contest because fucking

More JGL is always good.
Honestly, I don't really care what role he takes on, as long is he's bringing the awesome. *Goes to watch Brick again*

This, hopefully, is only the beginning.
Next, we'll get the Drunk Hulk Comedy Hour, then, on Tuesdays, we'll have Zodiac Motherfucker Shoots the Shit. If' we're lucky, we can get FX to pick up the hyper-controversial The Life and Times of @50CENT. The pilot, "Funky Bitch", will air next month.

So… Under the Red Hood.
Anybody other than me love this? I think that John Dimaggio's Joker is pretty awesome. "I'm going to need some men. But not these guys. They're kinda dead."