
Any video games ever actually made anybody genuinely cry? I personally haven't cried at any, but I got pretty close at the end of Portal 2. Just sayin'.

Trolls be trollin'

@smartypants: I misread your post and thought it said "mechfinder.com". That would be awesome.

Yeah, that was my guess too. The video game nerd in me wants to scream "Alex Vance", but she's not really an action character as much as a completely compelling one.

Yeah. I'm willing to coast on nostalgic goodness until a good trailer comes along.

Historical documents recently discovered show a large, Austrian man being nailed to a FOURTH cross beside Jesus. He promptly ripped the nails out and jumped off the cross and made those responsible PAY.

I can't wait for this kid to grow up.
He's either going to be the coolest or most ridiculed kid on the playground. It could go either way, really.

This could be… good? I guess? My body is hard-wired to hate anything with modern Jack Black in it, but this could be interesting, at the very least.

I kind of liked the A-team movie…

Man, screw Priest.
Where's my Preacher movie?

Not that I've ever read those books, but Bratner (as I like to call him) is a really shitty director, and should not be allowed to molest any more franchises with his filthy, slimy hands. Maybe I'm just still butthurt over X3.

Which was the bigger disappointment?
So, between Aronofsky no longer directing Wolverine 2, and Del Toro's dream Lovecraft project getting canned, this has been a shitty year for nerdy movie news, in my opinion. Which was the bigger disappointment to you guys?

"#BuffettLine"? It takes a twisted kind of genius to write that bad of a hashtag.

Sorry for the going the easy joke route there.

Up next: Jim and Pam meet the Harlem Globetrotters.


Let's make up captions for that picture up there.
I'll start. "All of a sudden, Brendan Fraser's career flashed before his eyes, and he was ashamed. Then a bear pushed his outhouse off of a cliff and he was covered in poo."

It depends, Fluttershy. Do you like self-abuse? You don't seem like that type, though.

I figure this is as good of a place as any to post this…
Is anybody but me super-excited for the animated film adaptation of The Goon? I've got high hopes for that one.

@sarCCastro: Yeah, I thought that was weird, too.