Khedron Frank

I would assume that SK was extremely weak after the fight with Professor X and needed a safe place to recover and build up his strength, in addition to his other reasons for infesting David. It may be only now that he is strong enough to try taking over David's body.

Who says it was the government's?


I think you're lost. This is where we discuss episode 2.

Ruining a joke from a future episode is most definitely a spoiler.

If only there was a button that you could click to jump to the next episode…

Okay, I guess I'm going to have to wait to read any of these discussions until I've watched the whole season, because amazingly people here don't seem to understand what "No spoilers" means.

Without spoilers, can you please spoil the whole season for everybody? kthxbye

Do you really think white teenage girls would have been treated more harshly?

But what about "Once More, with Feeling"?

Yes! You posted this while I was searching through the comments, becoming increasingly more surprised that no one had said West Wing.

You don't have to hope, you only have to google.

She gets to be the queen because who the hell is going to stop her?


"Only Aegon. Several hundred years prior."

An "expert" should know how to spell "Daenerys." Just saying…

I had that feeling also, but then I realized that the joke was that "Laura Montez" was actually a non-hispanic women from Ohio, playing up her Mexican husband and his last name for political gain.

Everything you said, plus the viscera being pulled out of the bump are intestines, which do not go in the chest.

"the viscera that appears to be coming from Glenn's chest is pretty obviously intestines"
