Khedron Frank

Having performed both, I can definitely say that an abortion is not "about the same level as invasive" as a prostate exam. Also, since opinions on abortion have remained stable over the last 40 years, I'm not sure what it being 2015 has to do with whether someone has a moral problem with abortion.

I'm still trying to figure out if having the date for Leonardo da Vinci's home time off by ~200 years was intentional. (They showed the year as 1290, he lived from 1452-1519.) I can't figure out any way in which the mistake was funny or paid off later, and it would take 5 seconds to google him. Maybe just a typo?

I'm still trying to figure out if having the date for Leonardo da Vinci's home time off by ~200 years was intentional. (They showed the year as 1290, he lived from 1452-1519.) I can't figure out any way in which the mistake was funny or paid off later, and it would take 5 seconds to google him. Maybe just a typo?