Jackie Officecouch

As much as I love Jinkx, I'm rooting for Alaska to take the crown. Not only is she a complete lady (à la Chad Season 4), but she's also insanely talented. Her ability to have three fully realized characters instead of merely looks was awesome to behold. While she might not have the technical skills (e.g. dancing,

I was kinda hoping the re-release would have some of the covers from the Postal Service Auditions, if only for Weird Al and Aimee Mann.

Thirding this assessment w/r/t Rory's terrible boyfriends. They are all just so awful in each of their own, terrible ways.

I'm almost certain Murphy and Company will treat this topic with appropriate nuance and sensitivity, using that Murphyesque narrative cohesiveness that comes with his incredibly rich oeuvre. He is truly the great television storyteller of our time.

At Camp Granada, no less!

Not trying to steal Reddit's thunder, but someone there posted a link to Under the Hood, a Proto-Untucked. If you're like me and have been looking for a Season 1 fix that doesn't entail buying the physical DVDs from Amazon or some other place, this is a good way to get an indirect look at the inaugural season. For me,

I'm now picturing the SVU episode ripped from these headlines. Cold-case celebrity murder revealed 43 years later on a drag queen reality show, with an L&O-verse versions of Ru and Jinkx as the star witnesses.

Somewhat surprised Alaska doesn't know how to pad. After all, Sharon did say last year to "make the shape of Africa," or words to that effect.

So that "Rule of 3" (or more it seems) is a thing? Simultaneously amusing and sad…

Sonali Deraniyagala's Wave.

Yeah, most passive-aggressive actions like that will lead to some nasty resentments later on.

Thank you for sharing. I don't know why, but I'm finding these recent Mad Men mash ups really awesome.


@avclub-c30b17b451a2d904d45a4c895dbd4a62:disqus I think it was another review that mentions she went to Dartmouth, since she supposedly has the child while a student there. Again, she could have worked at Dartmouth and then transferred to Princeton, but like you, I have my suspicions that it's just another glaring

So I would love to see this for my D3 UAA conference.

And yet this is what doesn't make sense to me. How does a Dartmouth alum end up at the admissions office at Princeton right after graduation? Usually, the entry level admissions folks are actual alums of the school, or that's how it is at my non-Ivy alma mater.

Nothing to add, but I cosign on all of this.

You are most certainly living up to your commenter name. Bravo!

There is! She's a really cool feminist drag queen who talks about how far drag queens have come and which celebrities have the worst beach bodies. (Ruth Bader Ginsburg!).

YES! For me, Max Muchnick is the all time worst judge because he still has a really dated attitude about sitcoms with LGBT characters (see Parners and its subsequent failure). Since Sharon didn't fit his narrow perception of what a drag queen should be, he basically shit on her for no reason during the challenge and