Bizarro Broyles

Yeah, so, last season I thought Strand was the devil. I don't mean devil as 'bad guy' but like the literal, actual devil. If you would respond with, 'There's no such thing as the literal, actual devil. The majority of Christians don't even believe in one,' then I'd have to reply with, 'That's the point!' There

p.s. Ok I just clicked on the link you provided… Yeah, there's no way he even read any of that. I didn't bother at first because I assumed I was familiar whichever one you linked (and I was) and because they all basically say the same thing: No, you can't hear these things, it's been proven from multiple different

Holy shit this whole exchange has been amazing.
At this point though I'm suspecting the guy is your alt account. The replies that you annihilated are just too perfect…. Though maybe it's because I am horrified to believe there are people this anti-science out there.

Your first reply here was to dismiss entire scientific fields as "a discredited research paper or two" so you've pretty much made your bed here.
Why do you people taking this stance always says thing like "certain frequencies"? What frequencies? Like, what range in Hz? If you're so certain things sound different

"If sampling theory suggests the changes can't be heard, then why have
these same studies shown that approx. 20% of the population CAN hear the

I am going to watch this and report back.

So, apparently a bunch of people replying to this article refuse to entertain the idea that whatever nonsense scared them when they were little might not objectively be the scariest thing ever. Yeah, didn't see that coming!

It's talking about the opposite of jump scares.


Yeah Steve it had nothing to do with syntax/grammar, in fact I put the line phrased differently in parentheses simply because I couldn't remember the exact precise wording.

Ok, I'll give you a hard touche because I didn't consider the therapist angle, plus you actually knew what I was referring to. In my reply above to Steven I still stand by my 2nd paragraph, but now the line sticks out less, even though it still rings like a hollow explanation point on all the preceding dialogue where

I'm not entirely sure what you're talking about. Actually rereading it more I'm even more confused; there wasn't any mangled syntax in that line and I don't see how this has anything to do with condescending superiority/inferiority. Is this your response any time somebody critiques dialogue for not being lifelike?

Right, that's why I'm addicted to binge watchng, but the show is too good to wait, even if I did have problems with this episode.

Too critical, to the point that it didn't ring true. The GF would be righteously pissed that the boy lied and cheated on her in a rather gratuitous manner (cheating while she's sitting at a party she didn't want to be at, one you dragged her to! wtf is wrong with you man?!?) but the homosexuality discussion was some

Credible in the sense that a Progressive Young Teen in the year of Our Lord Two Thousand and Sixteen would launch into a whole thing about the boy secretly wishing she was also a boy. It rang false like an after school special from decades ago about The Horrors Of Homosexuality.

"I never got the chance to say yes" (I didn't get the chance to say yes?) is a sentence no human being would ever utter, and that's just one of the lines in this episode that would fit that category.

But at this point it seems like that's what they're trying to say… I dunno, it's kinda bizarre.

Honestly at this point it seems like they're trying to say most rape victims in this situation lie, which would be really weird and kinda insidious that they're using boys as a girl victim might draw too much heat. This episode is really leaving a bad taste in my mouth.

THis is why I wanted to give the episode an actual D or even F. I just didn't find it believable that his mother and especially his girlfriend would react this way. The girlfriend dialogue was cringeworthy.