Bizarro Broyles

The Juicero tho.

It's what all these people said. Any response?

You also personally voted for trump 63 millionish times. You probably shouldn't have done that.

For future reference, you're supposed to defend the shit-losing, not deny its existence. You're all over the place here.

I feel like 98% of this comments section knows blackface is bad and offensive but doesn't really grasp why. I'm not knocking it, it's always better to err on the side of caution and try not to offend people, it's just always bizarre to read a bunch of people so passionate about not offending people but seemingly

Well sure, I was just spitballing here. When I considered 'weapons' I thought of tanks and planes and missiles and so forth. The lack of science would exacerbate this 'problem' as it's easier to learn how to maintain a gun than to build and repair a plane or rocket.
I also put 'protect' in quotes as obviously a

I totally meant to add an :P emoji, I think.

The MRA idiot lunatics make this show even more relevant now.

Well, duh.

Food. Weapons. If you can't feed and 'protect' your fertile women what's the point? You have to assume that for as batshit as Gilead is they wouldn't be a successful nation-state without a healthy dose of pragmatism. They've rendered themselves backwards and unproductive save for one 'cash crop' import and they'll

I'll defer to your better recollection but one of the first things about TV Show Gilead that jumped out was Lydia being NOT as nice as in the book. Strange.

We have to accept, in a willful-suspension-of-disbelief manner, that Gilead would've never came to be without A LOT of True Believers.

It's after the banquet. That Scrawler didn't grasp this is probably why he likes Lost.

Snap, I had totally forgot about econowives, and that's something they introduce very early in the book.

It's equally awkward and tone deaf for a 1%er house negro with survivor's guilt to feign to be the voice of any struggle, and downright repugnant and unseemly to exploit the struggle for profit. Actually, scratch "survivor's guilt" as that requires introspection and self awareness. The Beyonces of these stories are

Not enough gay wizards. That's a thing I just read, not on The Onion.

Sports fans being cancer is a possible reason for the point, not the actual point. I'm saying that reducing real life to simplistic fiction removes what makes it great, and phrases like 'storybook ending to storybook season' are not the good things people assume they are.

Yeah, I posted it, and you upvoted all the responses, even the toxic ones, heh (nothing like the toxicity of a sports debate).

Kinda tangential as the article didn't really dive in to this part other than a single name drop, but it is a big part of the sportsball phenomenon: it wasn't just Lebron James, it was a group of a dozen other sportsmen alongside him playing sportsball (heh). In fact, one of these sportsmen is not only considered one
