Bizarro Broyles

This is true, but rape's definition expanded to offer protection, justly, duh, to people who previously might not have been considered rape victims; this is where the consent definition came from. The "problem" though, and what causes all the stupid conversations on the internet with MRAs and the like, is that this

I was about to write "lol of course it's rape you crazy person" but then I got to thinking, even before reading this post I'm responding to, about everything else happening to her that she can't give consent to. I don't just mean stuff sexual or acutely physical, like touching, but even stuff like, say, moving far

Are you sure you watch SDoS to the end?

I think McGregor is the champ now… Also, even if youre not an MMA fan, check out this video, it's amazing:

I didn't know despising Sublime was a thing. They have some good tunes.

on the very slim chance people don't know what i'm referring to:


fitty percent

I agree, but "African-American vernacular accent" is cringe-worthy. And this isn't even just because AAVE is not a real thing, despite some folks that made careers on insisting it is, though there's that too.

90% of everything is crap.

No, you're not alone, and I mentioned this is one of the other articles. The only 3 horror movies to legitimately scare me as an adult (and I've watched, like, all the horror movies) are Paranormal Activity and VHSes 1 and 2.

Ok, so, Randall, buddy… Where the hell were you when they were voting on the top 25 of this millennium?

I wrote this whole big long thing on a forum I'm a part of, that I'm too lazy to copy and paste, that basically talked about the only reason humans are not at the absolute bottom of the food chain is our big brains and opposable thumbs. You take that away, as with zombies, and we suck.

Rick and Co. pretty much fuck up every place they go to and ruin everybody's lives therein. I feel like this is one of the bigger elephants of the herd in the room.

Why would you say seriously when you're not at all serious? That just seems odd.

Citizen: An American Lyric is very strong but putting a fucking hoodie on the cover is just sophomoric and gratuitous (and I'm almost positive it wasnt the author's idea).

I was about to say, Zombie by The Cranberries gives Zombie by Fela Kuti a good run for its money as the best song named Zombie, but then I realized I couldn't think of any other songs named Zombie.

A wormhole into youtube comments has just been created

I meant that entire list.

What I mean is "being scary" isn't a prerequesite for a horror movie.
I know it seems counterintuitive, but horror would be sooo much better
if they stopped worrying about it being scary. The target audience is