Bizarro Broyles

The Unstoppable Evil is usually a sign of poor writing (in horror films, excluding deconstructions like No Country For Old Men) as it's a cheap way to make the audience scared of the monster, until you need a resolution/conclusion and you find you've written yourself into a corner, and suddenly you have the main

I've never seen 28WL or The Strangers come close to being mentioned, for starters.

Rotten Tomatoes would agree.

Well, it's never stated why she's stuck in the loop.

Me So Soup, you are correct. There was Blair Witch and then a lull and then PA and REC started the found footage wave.

So much this. It's like, I TOTALLY GET WHY somebody might not like found-footage, but there are only 3 movies that have legitimately scared me as an adult, those being PA, and VHS 1&2… And I've seen ALL THE horror movies. So they'll always have a special place in my heart. (also Blair Witch is a masterpiece)

Also, wait…

I honestly don't get the "not scary" label; I mean, aren't we all fucking adults? Who gets scared by a horror movie?

The first two VHSes are so strong, the only reason they'd be omitted is due to being anthologies.

Aye, that's pretty much it.

Ok, well for the sake of discussion we'll pretend you're not obviously lying… What would you put on the list in the article as a more than 'just ok' replacement?

Definitely honorable mention though for innovation points.

Well Im gonna have to assume those are the 3 you've seen.

My Triangle spoiler theory:

Zombie guts and body armor, and you're immortal, and then there's no show…

Even if that is true, omitting REC/Quarantine and Paranormal Activity is just gratuitous.

You could eat a three course meal and watch a boxing match and come back to find that poor girl STILL getting her ass beat.

Ok wait, I was just about to write a long post but then realized this list has to be a troll.

I loved that little dude and I usually hate kids (in movie roles I mean)… Maybe that says something about me.