Oh i hate Macbeth so much i hope he dies in the finale livesdestroyedegohubrisblahblah!
Oh god they're the fucking worst right?
"…The whole message of the show is that doing bad things has consequences…"
Touche on the phrasing, but the gist is basically how it went down, that BB flew under the radar as far from a sure thing until the latter parts of/after the 2nd season when the criticsphere exploded. I thought this was common knowledge and part of the legend of the show .
"… and the deeper meaning for why people (and by people, I mean a majority of AV Club commenters and Donna) considered justice for Walt and Jesse to be different things; what led to the hatred of the antihero and love of the antisidekick?.."
Ya… That's what I said.
I think there was a healthy topping of ambiguity and complexity and that big-ass pizza, but then Walt threw in on the garage roof.
That said, my "complaints" about the show read better in the context of Homer Simpson in that episode when he's a food critic, and he gives a dish "his lowest rating yet, nine and a half…
I think Gilligan became the biggest drinker of his own kool-aid in a weird way. It's crazypants to consider now, but after the second season the show actually faced cancellation until all the critics and other fans became very vocal about how much they loved the show and urged people to watch and catch up on it.…
W: Everything I did, I did it for-
well sure, if any of that was actually true
yes, and yes, obv, wtf is wrong with you?
yeah , instead of hiking to the p.o. he decided to club some baby seals instead
" Did any of you actually watch S2 or 3?"
Oh hey Morgan what's up, I have a sweet docudrama idea for you: Film what happens when a person eats one million chocolate cookies. ONE MILLION COOKIES!
Heh, see this is why I'm having trouble figuring it out because I can't tell how much you're exaggerating when you say you "threw a book across the room and stopped reading for a couple of weeks because of it".
"I have no heart. I only have a hole. I've killed lots of people. I could kill you if I wanted."
I meant to ask this last week but I stalled a few minutes and then there were 50 millions posts so I didn't bother, but:
But they have a point… It's like that play "Waiting for Godot", they just sit around and wait, and talk, and wait, and talk, and nothing happens. What a piece of shit that is.