So, it seems Todd still wants Community to be Big Bang Theory or any number of other hacky shitty sitcoms.
So, it seems Todd still wants Community to be Big Bang Theory or any number of other hacky shitty sitcoms.
So, it seems Todd still wants Community to be Big Bang Theory or any number of other hacky shitty sitcoms.
Agreed, well said. High fat, high starch foods are only ideal if you're on the brink of starvation, like I pointed out, or if you're engaging is some extreme form of athletics or manual labor… Three lifestyles that most americans aren't living. There are many instances where french fries aren't 'bad' necessarily,…
But if you're starving, a french fry is way better than a carrot. However, this actually supports your point more, in that you need to eat to actual macronutrients to live. A carrot might help a person to avoid overeating, but a person can't live on carrots, not even close.
I really enjoy this show, I find it fantastic, but at this point I'm wary about watching… I just really don't want to see Lena Dunham naked again, even partially. Like, I can make a definitive statement that it is something I don't wish to ever see again in my life.
So we meet again, for the first time, for the last time…
"…If Ser Meryn speaks again, kill him. That was a threat. See the difference?"
Even with lowered expectations I was still letdown by this finale.
I'm late to this thread but was just about to make this point/ask this question. I really want to believe it's something more than just bad writing. As in, fuck, the "villain" just died, we need a new one, which ties into the bigger fatal flaw of shows like this where the characters just do any damn nonsensical…
The soul food sketch epitomizes a point about this show that I haven't been able to really articulate yet, but here's a shot: What seems to set this show apart from many other so-called black shows is that it explores the actual black cultural experience, not the black pop-cultural experience which is inherently…
The main reason I am angry with this episode is that they abandoned
Salsa. I like that dog more than most of the rest of the cast. That’s
some serious bullshit there."
Ya, I mean… You're a doctor, you see a dude in a magic cocoon, you're first reaction is to slice that shit up…
That srsly might be the best skit of the series, and that's coming form somebody that reeeally likes this show.
I can't tell if this is a joke or not.
Glynn Turman is goddamn brilliant,