Bizarro Broyles

something something drugs in the milk something something

Not to mention, and I know this is semantically splitting hairs to a degree, that networks don't actually make shows.  They're just glorified middlemen that are rapidly becoming obsolete. 

wait, so you're saying it wasn't suspenseful?

Are the people that don't like this show the types of people that the show is poking fun at?

Wait, what's the single joke?

As somebody who's been more than mildly disappointed with this season, I gotta say I agree.  Soooo many solid gold lines, not just from Pam.

And now for something completely different…

Lol Oscar, yeah, she's in her 20s but can easily pass for a 14-15 year old (unlike the 90210 approach to casting…).  The question I had is she supposed to be a young teenager or a young adult on this show?    It would explain a lot about her relationship with the other characters, especially her dad,  but as for now

So did anyone ever eat that Damiano’s take-out? "



Blossom was quirky but Six had dat ass.

Aside from living in the vans (good catch) the analogy would be bad if any of that you mention actually happened in the show.


Wait… really?   Was it at least hinted at?   When the blond girl finds them in the helicopter and shows them a hidden location not on maps, and then the ghost whisperer girl says they shouldn't go in there because it's' evil, and then they make that detour and there are all the dragonflies, and then they see the boat,

you guys seem smart

True story:  So this one time I was taking a sweet ass road trip with some friends.  We were all packed into two minivans, just cruising down the highway, when this huge caravan of vans and RVs packed with space aliens started chasing us, attacking us with laser guns and such.  This caused quite a concern with me and

What about the sweet ass podiums and engraved placards?  Some of that sweet ass plush carpet from the press conference room?  Hell, even one of those expensive chairs for a good sit every now and again?

Oddly enough, the New Caprica mess is when I realized this show had reached a level of dumb that could only be described as malicious with the intent to cause actual harm.
I asked this to some other commenter; Why were they living all Grapes of Wrath style if they apparently had the resources to build podiums and

Why did they live in tents and eat rocks (or whatever) if they had master craftsmen that could build podiums with engraved placards for a silly political debate?