"I kind of just ignore more than half of what happens after that."
"I kind of just ignore more than half of what happens after that."
They could have been better than that. The Southerners chose evil. They
Yeah, that's the inherent problem with MOTW (MsOTW? MOTWs?), any one of
them is enough to sustain a season if not an entire series and doing a
one-off just trivializes everything. And yes, after any one of them a
thorough quest-assessment and life-assessment would be in order. I
truly thought the entire series was…
Ok, um… Wasn't the whole premise set up in the first episode that they traveled through some magical portal, which is why the boat was never found before and where they're at isn't on any map? How is there so much knowledge about the area and talk of natives and so forth?
Well there are about 2.5 million people (600k in the actual city) in the metropolitan so there are all walks of life. And that's the thing I like most about this show, that it pokes fun at what are actually many different types of people.
I dig that, in fact I've thought a lot about how watching a show rapid-fire and watching a show week to week are very different for numerous reasons.
The Twilight Zone is different to me in the sense that each episode was like a short story. I totally understand that I'm supposed to look at an episodic show like Xfiles in the same way, and that it might be my shortcoming that I can't :) I just don't "get" episodic stuff, television and otherwise (Hardy Boys…
Oddly enough (I should be ashamed to call myself an SF fan) I hadn't seen Xfiles until I started watching Fringe and people compared the two. Obviously I was aware of Xfiles and had seen more than a handful of episodes but by my definition I hadn't actually sat down and watched it.
That said, I think Fringe is the…
My My My,
You can't drop bombs like "irrational" and "self-righteous" without doing the heavy lifting. Don't tease me, bro.
Sigh. You were so amped to shit on somebody that you ignore the that we're actually in agreement, mostly. You just don't see it as a bad thing. Fair enough.
So, apparently watching something from the beginning is a radical school of thought. Good god, no wonder it's acceptable to be passionate about film or literature but to say you're "passionate about TV" makes you seem ridiculous.
I mean, imagine having to say to somebody "Yeah this novel/movie is brilliant, but I…
This is the first SNL I've watched in quite awhile (actually now that I think about it the last was the Zach Galifinakis show) and my first Nicholas Fehn experience, and I found it absolute genius.
Three months too late…
Are you all the same people that hate Arrested Development?
Practically any two shows can fit on a tier of sufficient width.
Fwiw all my talk about tiers was meant to ridicule the guy that said you lost all credibility, for being butthurt and (mis)reading too much into your tier statements.
p.s. Fuck…. You convinced/reminded me that this show was better and more complex than i'm remembering (even though I admitted the good did outweigh the bad by a hefty chunk) but that's just making me more disappointed with the decline. Damn you!
Nice reply.
My daddy always done told me, 'Son," he said, "Son, pacifism ain't got nothing to do with an ass whipping."