
Isn't it technically reverse racism or something like that when you do not call you black friends on liking a shitty movie with black people in it?

Holy Crap
I cannot wait. April is going to be an awesome month for me. Battlestar starts and I am getting married. I will be the happiest girl in the world in April!!!

Too bad you do not have West Indian parents that are more interested in preventing you from picking up bad habits from silly American kids. My parents do not give a crap that I do not like Tyler Perry movies.

Oh please, because there is no terrible music out there right now and the political system is working as it should.

I thought it was dolphin noises or something also. I also thought, "that sounds like a bad yet rather entertaining idea." Seeing that Flipper is some band, I think that I will pass since I am now a little disappointed.

Man did I ever hate that movie. I love how so many people say that it is great warning to parents or some crap like that. If anything, most kids could only wish they lived that life. And why the hell would any girl give her virginity to Telly considering how horribly unattractive and unconvincing he was?

It is interesting when you read Maus and the writer points out that his Jewish Holocaust surviving dad thinks that all black steal and are dangerous. It is actually kind of disturbing when you think about it.

Dead or Alive is an okay yakuza film and with the awesomest movie opening ending ever and the craziest ending ever. Part three is pretty weird also. Gozu is insane in all the positive ways. What is Miike's thing with breast milk? And did a dog do something to him that left him traumatized?

I noticed that the original American Gladiators is on Classic Sports network. So given this review, I will just watch that whenever I am jonesing for some American Gladiators.

Glad I watched the Amazing Race instead. Was going to watch The Wire, but my boyfriend has never seen it and I had to record instead. Man I cannot wait to get home tonight.

Idol and Rock
I remember an old boss of mine told that I should watch American Idol because they had a real rock music guy on (I think that she was referring to Constantine). She said this after hearing me listening to Banned in D.C. (such an awesome album I might add).

Actually, my grandmother was still on the biggish side for a woman of four feet and ten inches when her stomach cancer came back. Part of the reason why she was able to hide it from the family for so long. If it were not for the two strokes she had later…But you are right about them looking a bit on the healthy side.

Infernal Affairs managed to have a cheesy happy ending with the whole psychiatrist fixing things stuff, which was really cheesy. In Infernal Affairs, the motivations many characters had for doing things was just silly, where as the Departed a lot of stuff made more sense when it came to the personalities that were

One Missed Called
The funny thing is that the original is terrible and boring (and this is coming from a big fan of Miike—with the exception of Visitor Q which I would love to scrub from memory). When I first heard about there being a remake, I thought that maybe it would be an improvement on the original like The

I unfortunately had no idea that stuff purchased from itunes could not be used on not Apple products (just did not seem like it would be an issue). Then I found out and was really annoyed. The funny thing is that I had never inetended to buy an ipod. My parents bought me one for my Christmas/birthday present.

I love Dave's beard. have not seen Conan's though.

Rami's Dress
…was well constructed ugliness. Christian or Chris really should have won. They actually managed to design things that could realistically be purchased by someone yet show off the brand. Which is very hard to do.

Actually, food coming into the equation in his costuming in the past is not all that weird. There is a chocolate fashion show every year in New York. An old boss of mine took part in it. Her dress was boring. But I have seen some where they completely constructed a dress out of chocolate and then had to worry

This is just hilarious. I plan on showing this to all my trekkie friends and my boyfriend who will eventually learn the greatness of Star Trek (pre-Voyager). I really enjoy how it looks like the budget was just slightly less than the original television series.

Preggos and IMDB
It is interesting to see how many people on IMDB are saying that it was awesome and realistic to have the whole maternity ward scene (which is asinine on so many levels). Apart from being something that I do not want to watch, what happened to the idea of showing the Aliens wreak havoc on the town?