
I am twenty seven and remember them. You are not old. Now the fact that stuff that came out when I was in middle school/early high school is making it onto VH1 Classics is disturbing.

David S. Goyer (the dude that wrote Blade and Batman Begins) wrote the original script for Jumper that is apparently much closer to the book, but apparently the producers brought in more writers to add action and such. So it could have been good…

I am having the same problem with Flash Gordon. It has been number one in my queue for well over a month and that has a very long wait. How many people really need to see that movie without commercial interruptions?

Considering the game was invented originally to show the 'evils' of pure capitalism, I can totally imagine a movie being made out of this. Actually, making a movie out of the games listed above is not that much of a stretch when you think about it. Especially Candyland and Battleship. I am more worried

Their first two albums are actually pretty good. And then they decided they wanted to retire filthy stinking rich rather than just doing well and added Fergie and changed the style of their music.

You do realize that Stan Lee has nothing to do with this, beyond the check cashing cameo thing.

My boyfriend is totally into giving oral and spanking. That is why I am marrying the man. So dudes like that totally exist.

I have a feeling that he just does not know like most Americans.

I was really hoping one of the reporters would correct him, just to see the asshole comeback he would have.

I wonder if you two actually properly read my post. I did not say that everyone on here thinks that they represent the mainstream. Obviously, there are people on the AV Club with common sense. In addition, saying the Internet had no effect whatsoever on the writers' strike is preposterous. No one can say

Did anyone actually read the article…
Lowry makes an interesting point. I just watched the Frontline episode Lowry referred to and it was interesting to see the amazing effect the Internet has had on the new generation of youth (whatever the hell they are called). Especially the youth that was angry with his mother

Ono is hardly evil
Why is everyone getting so bent out of shape about this. Several people have already explained that she is only trying to stop Lennon Murphy from copyriting the name Lennon. Which makes total sense. As I recall, Murphy's first album came out seven years ago. If Ono wanted to stop her from using

So what
Fred Astaire's family did that to the band Astaire (now they go by Blondfire).

Religious Group
I heard that he had represented some religious group so that he could get the tax write off in Sweden (or the U.S.) I am not sure. But it had something to do with him giving them money to buy his property for him really cheap or something along those lines. Anyone know about this?

I Am Legend
I actually liked the recent Will Smith movie. One thing that I thought was very interesting was the subtle suggestion that they were intelligent in that they set a trap for him using one of his mannequins and planned the whole attack on his home. In addition, you see that these monsters obviously have

The Producers
The funny thing is that this makes the producers look kind of bad since they keep claiming that the WGA is asking for unreasonable things, yet Worldwide Pants, UA, Marvel, Lion's Gate and now apparently the Grammy's do not seem to find their requests too ridiculous.

I gave my little sister wet dog food once when she was one and I was seven. I have also fed her Tabasco sauce and got caught on that one unfortunately. She did not seem to take to the dog food though.

Limoncello, I spent many a Saturday morning watching PeeWee's Playhouse and that show at least managed to be somewhat (kind of) educational) and very entertaining. Mr. Meaty on the other hand is kind of disturbing and will probably fuck up a few kids.

What is up with that Mr. Meaty show on Nickelodean (I think I spelled that wrong)? Are kids into really weird shit that is inspired more by crazy people than drugs?

Jesus, I saw the poster to that yesterday when I was heading to the comic book store (yes I know…) and was amazed to find out that Step Up made enough money to lead to a sequel.