
I think that the stock blonde hottie that understands that misunderstood bad boy was named Jessie or somthing along those lines. My boyfriend's friend kept going on about enjoying looking at her (the only thing he seemed to enjoy about the movie).

I saw the trailer for this when I saw No Country for Old Men and it looked good and then the trailer kept going and I knew that there was no way I would pay money to see this. I also love that a female debator was added to be PC, because you know male minorities total saw female minorities as equals, so ahead

Pregnant Ladies
Yeah what was the obsession with the kill as many pregnant women on screen as possible. I like my violent movies fantastical not "let's see how far we can go before someone says something." And why would the Predalian be able to impregnate already pregnant women like that and then the alien babies

The author of this book was on The Brian Lehrer Show (NPR) and the interview was pretty interesting.

Good Sign
At least they bothered to get people that can act. The question now is who writes the script and who directs.

Catholic League…
already had its say about this movie long before it came out. I even remember watching a debate on BBC World News between a representative of the Catholic League and a dude representing a secular rights group. The funny thing is the Catholic League guy came off better, because he flat out said that

As a black person about to marry a Swede and has been to the country on several occassions, I would say that they are a lot less hung up on race as Americans.

Office Christmas Party
My office party is Tuesday and we have an open bar. Interestingly there are like a total of twenty guys working for our company when you include the offices in Jersey. So my Christmas party is just a bunch of bitchy, bitter women working in fashion getting plastered on the bossman's dime. I

Nice to hear from soneone else that saw the movie. Too bad about the ending though.

I cannot help but think that everyone here is bitching just because this movie stars Will Smith. It was given a B and Ms. Robinson seems like she did not feel ripped off by the movie. Personally, I do want to see it, because I read the story and would be curious to see how it was changed. I could not

What is with complaining that she makes clothing she would wear. You all realize that is why most people decide to be designers? Hell, it certainly is why I became a designer. I have worked everything from middle aged lady clothes to juniors to kids, and it all comes down to "what would I wear" or "what

Religious Sentiment
The funny thing about the books being anti-religion is that I was just talking to a friend of mine that read the books when she was younger and she said that she totally did not get that. I can say the same about The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe. I read that book in seventh grade and totally

From what I read in Wired it seems like it was made to look like the baddies were politicians and not evil priests or whatever (I never read the books).

Hey I am totally with you guys.

I think that you have a good five or ten years to worry about that one to trickle down. When Tom Ford first did his "eighties" collection it was quite a while before everyone and their mother started investing in leggings and such. So you have a while before you need to become the crazy spree killer that we will all

I thought that Jillian's group's collection looked the best. I guess that may have something to do with the fact that I work in fashion. High waisted pants and all that stuff is making a comeback. That was what was so funny about some of those things being described as dead trends. A lot of them were just

That show was good until Rhoda left.

I am sure that if Thriller were released today it would still dominate because that album is awesome. Seriously, how could you put that album in the same class as Boyz to Men?

Anesthetic Awareness
I read an article about this in U.S. News (when it was still a good magazine). A woman experienced it during hand surgery and to say the least it really fucked her up mentally. She had horrible nightmares and could not stand to be in the dark. All that from hand surgery (which she said was

That is a very silly move on their part. I have chosen to not buy some music because the worst part of a song was chosen for a clip. Besides, don't a lot of artists rotate songs on MySpace?