
Did't someone suggest last week that she just freaked and did not know how to handle the situation well? Besides, they did have guns on her.

I agree with the person above that said it was pretty cool seeing her save the day without her powers.

I did enjoy her kicking that gang dudes ass right after he asked if she was crazy. The answer was yes she is crazy.

I think that they kept the pandemic for the same reason the U.S. government and Russia still keep strains of smallpox. Study it and scare your enemies with what you can do.

Morrisey is wrong about Sweden
Sweden was actually ranked as number one among E.U. countries in its acceptance in integration of foreigners. And I can say as someone with a Swedish boyfriend that has been to the country a couple of times, they are all about the foreigners.

I read the article in passing almost a year ago, and admit that I know very little about her and what time period she was actually around. But essentially the article was about how she probably was not a double agent and that the Germans set her up.

This is what IMDB says:

Of Mice and Men
Anyone have anything to say about the Gary Sinise/John Malcovich adaptation. I thought that it was a perfect adapatation except for the fact that it left out the coversation with the one old black dude.

What exactly is the vulgar, sexual and racially questionable content in that video? As I recall it was pretty darn tame.

In addition to novels like Do Androids Dream…, The Constant Gardener and the interesting suggestion of Crichton adaptations someone abover recommended. I think that the adaptations of comics and graphic novels would be really cool. Like Road to Perdition, anything by Alan Moore, Hellblazer, Hellboy, A History

Oh yeah, and Starbuck was not doing any black market stuff. The girl is a total drunk, something that has been brought up a lot of the show. She was taking the liquor for herself. And why the automatic assumption that the writers would be too stupid for that. It was prety obvious what was going on.

I read somewhere that it is also believed that she was not even working for the Nazis, but that the Nazis knew she was working for the French and that the Nazis falsly implicated her so that the French would get rid of her for them.

Billy was killed in a terroist hold up thing. And that would make it a really cheap way to bring him back. It is definitely not Baltar since they already had an episode where he figured out that he was not. But it is definitely someone Lucy Lawless's character recognizes though since she saw them and immediately

The whole point of that thing was that neither of them could narc on each other. Who better to keep your secrets than someone that has something to hide.

Number Six
I think that if they tried for the whole it took time to figure out that she was a Cylon it would have taken away from the show, since there were so many things they were trying to tackle in this episode anyways. I would have loved to see this in theatres though.

Every other review I read for this was terrible. They all describe Harden as saving the movie with her campy religious kookiness. A lot also complain that the whole group dynamic in this situation comes off as cheesy rather than frightening.

I will totally be watching this…
on TBS in a year or so.

From what I read on MSN, her father tells her that the baby died (which also makes no sense).

I thought that Glitter was into little girls. As I recall the Vietnamese government decided to make an example of him and prosecute him for his relationship with a twelve year old or something. I may be wrong about this. But that is what I remember hearing.

I like their music…
…but seriously I doubt that their is all that much latent erotic energy in how they perform.