
I think that what has happened in Canada and has been happening in the U.S. is horrible. It is weird how terroism is the new communism and is being used to disctiminate against all sorts of people. Considering the fact that M.I.A. and Lily Allen have had trouble getting into the U.S. is ridiculous. The Japan thing

I do not know what anyone else said above, but I recommend the following:

Who directed this movie?
I am going to give Madonna the benefit of the doubt and blame the director and the screenwriter (considering A League of Their Own Desperately Seeking Susan and Evita-from what I hear-are good).

The Japanese government is going a bit insane with allowing foreigners into the country. They have started a policy of taking the fingerprints of every single person (with the exception of Korean, Japanese and Chinese nationals) entering the country in a bid to protect themselves from terroism. Oddly

The writers say that they are trying to bring Claude back, but that Eccleston currently has many other obligations to fill before coming back.

I would say that the ad for Donnie Darko I saw on television with him talking to Frank while watching Evil Dead with Jena Malone asleep next to him made me seek the movie out and I even tried to convince many on my coworkers to see it also. I love movie previews. Unfortunately, I rarely had internet access back

Sweet Dee
She really should have won the bar, that would have been really hilarious to see the guys still treat her crappy (except for Charlie) despite the fact that she is their employer. This episode was funny, but not as funny as last week's.

I am not fat, so what am I as a thin person supposed to do at Disney World?

It is great if you are at Disney World in August. Nice cool air conditioning and a seat to sit down and a really short line, of course though it defeats the purpose of being at Disney World.

He actually uses a Nerf bat or something along those lines that his son starts laughing when he does it and quite enjoys it.

Sulu is Japanese. His name was different in the Japanese translation of the show though, since the name Sulu does not exist in Japanese culture.

Who cares about Insurrection bad, what about Nemesis bad?

Bunch of Compaliners
What is with all the people that feel the need to be assholes about the book without having read it. It is actually pretty good. All the various things that a lot of you complain about him not doing, he does. He talks about the fact that the Bible has been incorrectly translated (Moses and Red

Madonna's Acting
I think that when Madonna is not the main character in the film (Desperately Seeking Susan, A League of Their Own, Dick Tracy) the movie works. But she cannot carry a film on her own. That could be said of a lot of actors. I do not think that she is outright terrible (or a vampire).

My boyfriend loves this band…
I remember once we were in Park Slope and he saw a guy wearing one of Holy Fuck's t-shirts and, well…

Cylon Guest Star
How did you not notice that Callum Keith Rennie (the cylon a little too obsessed with Starbuck) was on the show.

Actually, I live in Brooklyn and SAS only flies out of Newark. All I know of Newark is the airport, so from my point of view it is an alright place. Somehow, I have a feeling I would not feel the same if I actually saw the city itself.

serious carey role
He was great in Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind. I am beginning to think that Jim Carey's problem is his agent. Anyhow…

But I can wait and see. I must say though that House of a 1000 Corpses was really boring and the violence was not all that shocking. I would say that I was more disturbed by High Tension (Haute Tension) despite the cheesy twist ending.

graham norton
I actually saw them of Graham Norton the other weekend and apparently they are still pretty huge in England (and I am sure the rest of Europe).