
When I mentioned this movie to my boyfriend the first thing he asked was if the aliens communicate with Native Americans.

Well, I have to admit that I have read The Shining and two books of short stories and can say that I think that the man does not have a talent for writing.

I would not call this a secret success. All the money spent on this with a great cast and screenwriters, you would think that they could make something that would not leave people thinking "coke's a hell of a drug."

I still really like the show…
I think that a lot of the fight scenes are not all that amazing because they maybe do not have the time and money to properly train the actors how to do a nicely choreographed fight scene. But I still think that the show is pretty cool.

I thought that City of God was amazing and that is part of what disappointed me so much. Like changing the way the main character met his wife. In the novel she made a snide remark at him and he had a good comeback, but then took it back so that she would not look bad in front of her peers. In the movie she went

some to add
I second whoever said 1984. What were those moviemakers thinking. I suspect the book was not thoroughly read. Same goes for Brave New World.

Linda Stein
Actually, as of the news this morning they said that they suspect one of her assistants may have been pissed about some commission thing (since there was no forced entry). Right now they are checking the building's surveillance, because apparently where she lived had a shitload and several doormen.

somehow that little piece of information did not stick with me, but it can run twice as fast as a regular mouse!

Who cares about this…
scientists just made a bionic mouse!!!

Didn't your mother teach you to be nice to the slow-witted.

canned food
This is why I have totally stocked up on many varieties of canned beans and peas (lots of fiber and protein) and have my own fruit trees. Because it is much easier to survive the zombie attack if you do not actually have to go outside to find food. Plus we accidentally got a shitload of flavored seltzer

Organ and tissue donor, like Jerry Orbach in the subway ads.

I also think that Hiro is probably dead or going to stay in feudal Japan. I also think that Kensei is not necessarily going to turn out to be evil. Considering the whole fact that someone did not get the opportunity in real life to overthrow the emperor with guns at that time and the show does seem to being going

Frankenstein on TNT
I remember seeing an adaptation on TNT many years ago that I thought was pretty good with Randy Quaid as the monster. I was forteen or something when it came out, so I may be horribly wrong about it being good. This film though, I watched about ten minutes then Branagh took off his shirt and

I think that he is a good actor with a limited range. He was good in River's Edge, Parenthood, the Matrix. Hell, I even think he did a good job in the Lake House. Really liked A Scanner Darkly. Reeves should not do accents, but honestly Ryder's was a lot more distracting than his could ever be.

I think that it is pretty neat that the Haitian is such a subtle character. It would be a little ridiculous if he was Mr. Action. There are enough characters on that show that not passive in any way that he kind offsets that.

Robert patrick
I hope that he will be in it. He was actually a great replacement for Duchovny, in that they did not look for the poor man's Duchovny. They actually made an effort to present a whole new interesting character. The last few seasons still really sucked though.

Yeah, that is pretty silly. I would like to think that they are going for the idea that it is unlikely that the Ukrainian government has his fingerprints on file. But most likely it is just a matter of, the makers of the show figure most viewers really would not even think to notice.

I suspect that it is not Nikki that is watching Mohinder, but in fact Jessica. I would not be surprised by the idea of the Company totally taking advantage of the whole Nikki/Jessica thing as they have done before.

I was in Sweden and Finland this past summer and slugs are much bigger there than they are in the movie. Just and FYI.