
I saw part of this movie on BET with my boyfriend and they actually blur out joints and bongs when they are in people's mouths, but are not blurred when they are just held.

The clothes is pretty well designed. It is a lot better than say a Betsy Johnson store.

sarah corvus
I would like to see her return. Her smartassery with the Canadian girl Jaime had to protect was pretty funny. I think that Jae is the one they really need to think through. I am willing to go with the comedy/drama bit. But not too much comedy, that would be cheesy. And the tech guy is great.

Wow those guys are real DICKS
I second that it would have been more sensible to go after ann Coulter or something, because she truly has bad looks and bad personality. Going after Sarah Jessica Parker, Madonna and Sanrah Oh is just desperate. Britney Spears is going to be the victim of this a lot this year and

The Descent
How come no one has mentioned this movie. I have to say that it is very effective. They could take all the monsters out of the movie and it would be pretty scary. The original ending is kind of weird with the whole "look at how being lost in a cave can drive you crazy" thing.

How about Bava's Black Sunday. The opening was pretty disturbing.

roth movies
I really enjoyed Cabin Fever. I also really enjoyed the extras on the DVD for that one (especially the ones with the fruits in a British rock band). I have yet to see Hostel, but from what I gather not many people have that much trouble figuring what the subtext of the film was. In addition, I read

as a black person
I am so totally embaressed by her (well not really). Honestly is anyone surprised that the woman who thought after following an Oscar win with Catwoman would eventually say something really amazingly stupid on TV.

seriously deep rising
I really have no idea how to reply to that.

I am twenty six and the entitlement I was referring to has a lot to do with the fact that a lot of kids are now being raised to think that everything is "fair" and there are no winners and losers. They actually had an article about that a few years ago in U.S. News that talked about how a lot of kids are entering

god forbid
People buy albums from musicians they like. This generation feels way too entitled to everything.

movie complaints
I think that the people that have such big problems with the movie are just thinking it over way too much. This is not a movie that is supposed to have some great deeper meaning that you need to figure out on your own after leaving the theatre. You overthink any movie too much and it is going to

You do realize that they are not supposed to Mexican right?

Yul Brynner would be pissed
Whether or not you believe in God is besides the point the orginal DeMille is great. Why can't someone do this properly? It is not exactly like the story is boring. If anything, I would say that it is a little hard to screw up. Prince of Egypt had some great animation, but was a bit on

the original
I saw the final fifteen minutes of the original years ago and decided from that that I do not need to see it from the beginning. Does Caine have the weird doll collection in this one though?

Every other review that I read for this has been terrible.

What was the one with the monster mom and son that went after virgins and only housecats could kill them? That would be great for this feature. I also think Dreamcatcher would be great. Aliens that give you flatulance and come out of your ass along with Donnie Wahlberg's ridiculous character. And what was with

Thank you Scott and Mike. I am sure that I did not remember the conflict mainly because the story itself was not fleshed out in the comic. To be honest 30 Days of Night is in my pile to donate to Riker's Prison Reader program.

My boyfriend's best friend is trying to get a Rhodesian Ridgeback (to go with the one that he already has) from a rescue group and they are giving him so mch shit. And to say the least he treats the dog better than himself.

biel's "new" hand
Why no pictures? Not to be mean or anything, but it would seem to make sense to have a picture of it.