
conflict in the vampire ranks
I do not remember this comflict in the original 30 Days of Night story. I do remember some conflict in Dark Days. Otherwise, comic itself was kind of boring within itself. The concept and the art are great. But the writing is way too bare. This is definitely one of those comics that

It is going to be weird that everyone on the crew is going to be ripped like they have lots of time to work out.

I liked last night's episode. I do think that the show has been getting better. And I do like the subplot with Sarah Corvus. This episode did not seem to be so much a baddie of the week since all the stuff pertained to the bigger picture. Like who hired the Paraguayans to kidnap that dude and who hired the dude

It is interesting to see that this has somewhat turned into an arguement of Lewis is hot/ugly. Personally, I always thought that she looked fine. But since I do not dig beaver…

co-worker of mine…
actually recommended that I check out this band since we both like PJ Harvey and Interpol. The song sounded fine to me. Not in love with it, but better than some things that I have heard. I will look at some of their videos on myspace or something and then decide.

Why are there no comments about several Hispanic rights groups wanting the series to be re-edited to include more Hispanics a few months before the series premiere with threats of boycotting PBS?

Wow, that makes me feel a lot safer. I should really have to pay less taxes with stupid things like this happening.

oh yeah, more suggestions
I totally recommend Flatliners also. And Blade: Trinity.

Actually it was his daughter that gave it to a charity organization and they are the ones giving it up for auction. I read an article somewhere about his daughter fighting really hard to get it in the first place from someone Welles had given it to as payment.

Mr. rabin
I love this movie and amazed that you hated it so much. Whether or not you liked it or not does not matter to me. But I would have like to read more about your issues with the movie rather than Lewis. And I totally agree with the person that said it is totally believable for Fiennes to be in love with

Thank you for the answer!

I admit that I have totally called my boyfriend "gaytard" in jest and that it is really inappropriate (and childish amoung other things). But the n-word being reclaimed is silly. I can totally understanding using it in context (like in the Wire or Dave Chappelle's jokes about the blind black white supremacist).

oh yeah
I am willing to no longer say Ben Affleck looks like a college frat buy (ala Lifetime movie)/bond trader date rapist if his new movie is as good as it looks in the ads.

that is stupid
The whole reclaiming the N-word thing is a load of crap. Personally I do not like hearing anyone say it black or white.

please highlight comments
It makes it a lot easier to figure out where I left off when my comments are highlighted in grey like you guys used to do.

since he will not be directing…
this might actually end up being good (hopefully).

Norton's Hulk not a sequel
The new movie with Norton is completely and utterly starting over. I do not know why everyone thinks that it is a sequel, because it also has an entirely new cast. Apparently the people at marvel were really pissed about Lee's Hulk movie.

does anyone know…
if the his drummer is a chick or not? I have been trying to figure that one out for a while, but never felt the need to actually look this up. Totally looks like a fat black lady (which would be pretty neat).

graham norton
I remember seeing a redhead in the audience of the Graham Norton show talk about going to a public bath and having to deal with a little boy starring at her "ginger" the whole time. This is all weird because I had a dream about a redheaded dude I had a crush on in high school last night.

I did not get any of that from the ads.