
I will always love that show for showing you why dropping a frozen turkey into a deep fryer is not a good idea. Now that was entertaining, besides the show is pretty newsworthy in comparrision to most American news shows. 60 Minutes is not even what it used to be.

And yes, the Batgirl uniform is silly, but Silverstone is certainly not fat. People are just assholes.

I am sorry but Batman: Mask of the Phantasm is the best batman movie ever made. Batman Begins is the best live action one though.

I actually talked my parents into taking the whole family to see Spawn on opening weekend when I was in Eighth grade and we went to visit my aunt in Houston. So to say the least I forced my whole family to watch a terrible movie after a three hour drive!

It's diaper time
I would so totally watch that public access show. Hell, I watched Robin Byrd when I lived in Manhattan and I am not even a lesbian turned on by skanky hoes.

I think that the British do some good dramas. But obviously there are going to be a lot of shitty shows that you have to wade through to get to the good stuff.

batman: mask of the phantasm
Is easily the best Batman movie ever made. They even brought the female character back for Justice league Unlimited with the whole Terry is genetically Bruce Wayne's son thing.

Hulk was not terrible. It was an interesting movie. The Hulk did look pretty fake though.

bad batman casting+blade trinity+hackers
I agree that one should be done on MYOF. I actually wanted to like that movie, but Jesus was that bad. Posey had some great line and Biel looked amazing. I do not think that I could ever bring myself to work out that much.

One of the reasons I actually started commenting less. The firsties thing makes no sense, because it is not funny in the first place.

Referred to this movie in an interview as a bad fashion show. Unlike Chris O'Donnell though, she can act.

i'll watch anything…
At least that is what my boyfriend says of my movie watching. But I could not even watch more than about two minutes of this.

Also I totally mentioned that the dude from Enterprise is on the show last week! And he was in the premiere for the new really shitty Species movie last weekend also. At least he is acting (unlike some of the other actors).

Did anyone consider that he never made an effort to get the box because he does not really want to see what is inside?

I totally agree that Jes seemed way too smart to date even pretend to be in love with Bret Michaels. I am just horribly disappointed there was no shoe throwing or a "bitch, I am going to beat your ass" a la Flavor of Love. Because seriously (as horrible as it sounds) that is what these shows exist for.

undercover brother
I love watching Eddie Griffin sing this with Denise Richards. Eddie Griffin's "white dance" totally topped off a rather humorous performance.

sharon stone
I think that she looks fine. I do not think that Mr. Rabin is necessarily sexist. I just think that it is a problem in American society that somehow aging for women is bad.

beyond the valley of the dolls
Is it me, or Phil Spector totally that record dude that insisted on being called Superwoman at the end and shot everyone?

Is going to be on Fox and it will be a mid season premiere.

catwoman finally!
I saw Basic Instinct 2 because Ebert and Roeper said that it is so bad it is hilarious. But should be rented and not watched in a theatre. It was bad, but annoying bad. The original I am a big fan of though.