
I just thought about this, but maybe he is able to properly use his powers now because he was just over-thinking it before. With the lost memory and not being all emotional he is just doing it naturally instead of the whole "can I do this, maybe if I concentrate really hard it will happen."

the jokes
They are totally black dudes with the whole thing with a blonde chick that dates lots of cavemen and a friend being offended by the dating out of your genus thing.

This album came out when I was eleven. So that is when I discovered REM. And have been a fan ever since. The constant rotation of Everybody Hurts totally helped.

dave c
having read X-Men and Excalibur, I thought that the self mutilation thing was strange in the movie. Because I certainly do not recall him ever doing that.

Duh, Texas is not part of the Midwest. It is in the Southwest.

Actually one of the Irish dudes is English (I pathetically recognised one of them from that horrid excuse for a Star Trek show Enterprise: http://www.imdb.com/name/nm….

Peter met DL in the season finale.

the right scissors could do that…
I would recommend a pair of Ginger scissors (those things come ridiculously sharp and you have to be pretty careful with them when you get them sharpened).

dave c
What kind of crazy shows are you watching that you think Nightcrawler is a nuanced Christian?

does not belong on this list because it is not a good film in any way. Not realistic in any way and the filming was as basic as you can get. It is just another one of those movies put out there to make parents afraid of their kids. A better movie would be L.I.E.

I have to add that I have trouble with watching him seriously in films, since the first ever movie I saw with him was Crawlspace.

once were warriors
That was a pretty hard movie to watch.

I watched a documentary about Jonestown on the History Channel and at the end they show actual footage from the day the senator (or is he a congressman) is leaving and telling people that they can go. And then they play the tape that was recorded with jim Jones talking and you can hear all the children

I miss Ted Koppel. Damn ABC and their need for ratings from people not smart enough to ignore the advertising.

dr. kenneth…
is so right about Lone Star. What happened? Oh yeah, he decided to make shit loads of money. Too bad.

As I recall, most Germans do realize that Hitler was supported by the public back then. I doubt they need Boll to inform them of that fact. Especially since they have gone so far as to make Nazism illegal there. Obviously more out of fear of it happening again than actual guilt. Besides there are a lot of

I have seen House of the Dead, BloodRayne, and enough of Alone in the Dark to be comfortable in saying that his movies are terrible. And that he is not really crossing genres all that much.

the soup
I do not think that this will be as good as Constantine's (the dude from American Idol) appearance on…some soap opera. Thank you Joel McHale!

I saw the video for their "I Believe" track when I was in Sweden (on MTV Nordic which is so much better than MTV2!) and immediately wanted to get the album.

I thought the same thing, but second guessed myself on the wrong topic (as some can see above).