
fallon is a jerk
I met him when I was in college (he was living in the same building as me). I talked to him a couple of times and just acted as though I had no idea who he was. But his assholery eventually started to come out. I even remember seeing him walking around with his guitar talking about the album he was

sorry dudes
I checked. To be honest I only remembered her from that dance movie Center Stage that I saw many years ago 9my bad), but I still do not think that she looks anything whatsoever like Uhuru.

I am sure that most of the general public knows that she is black, so why is she not being played by a black person? I imagine that there are quite a few young attractive black actresses that would look smashing in a minidress and black boots.

Art School Confidential
The only thing funny in that movie was the dude taking picture of his balls for an art project, but really not worth watching the whole movie for. And Jesus was that whole murder mystery ever retarded!

I started watching the show in the middle of the first season and can definitely say that DeVito was a great addition. The show was great without him and it is great with him. And the bit about the abortion not taking is hilarious.

starship troopers
Starship Troopers is one of my favorite movies of all time, right up there with RoboCop (which I recall seeing an interview with Verhoven describing RoboCop as a 21st century Jesus and explaining all the scenes where you can see this). I love how Verhoven turned a book pretty much celebrating

Is it me or did Whitaker look like he was kind of enjoying the terribleness of this movie? As for for Travolta, my boyfriend put it best, "the man is not meant for villainous role."

Sorry for the lack of distinction, but I do not think that either is inherently bad. And it really does mess with the fun of the thread when people feel the need to put down entire parts of human society in a MYOF about Battlefield Earth. There is nothing wrong with someone being an atheist. But there is

What is with the constant need to tell people that religion is evil or stupid or whatever.

I subjected my boyfriend to this movie the other day and he could not stop laughing (he also could not watch it through to the end). I read that a reviewer once said that a chimp randomly typing letters on a keyboard could not make a worse script.

There was no scarred humanity in her eyese. There was a "I took too many qualudes" humanity to her eyes though.

looks cool and all, but…
has anyone seen the Cloverfield preview?

If it were not for Moore creating, killing and then unkilling Tao (in quite an imaginitive way in the final issue of volume one of Wildcats) we would not have had Sleeper which is just amazing. People should really read Sleeper. Come on they have a woman that gets her powers from being a complete bitch! Being

watchemn ending
I actually read that the happy ending described above (I forgot by who) for the Watchmen was what was intended to be used for a Terry Gilliam adaptation of the movie. From what I hear, Snyder has been pushing the studio for an adaptation as faithful to the comic as possible.

movie preview
My boyfriend and I really enjoy the part of the preview where the mother comes out the front door of their suburban home with a gun in each hand ready to blow away heads.

It would be rather interesting if some of them are evil in their personal lives and work for a wicked CEO who eventually becomes a good guy and marries the good lady Gladiator and they start to try to help the Gargoyles.

i do not care what you say
I am sure Tom Green is very intelligent, but the descriptions of the movie, though bizzare, leave me with no desire to even catch this on TBS.

The movie is totally about how he thought that he was so punk rock and then realized at the end of the movie that he was a poseur just like everyone else. I think that is the intelligent message of the movie that a lot of people seem to miss. Everyone thinks that they are genuine and

I discovered the greatness of Queen because of this movie!

on the upside…
the director seems like he is not the dick Uwe Bowel (did I spell that right?) is.