What's with all the oprah hatred?
The lady does a lot for charity and I mean a lot. And she get's people reading. Would you prefer if she were coked up all the time.
What's with all the oprah hatred?
The lady does a lot for charity and I mean a lot. And she get's people reading. Would you prefer if she were coked up all the time.
I heard that he really is a dick…
I totally do agree with a lot of Moore's politics. What I do not agree with is his Bill O'Reily style bending the facts to his means. I also agree that Ann Coulter will do a lot more damage to the right than Michael Moore could ever dream of. But not liking Moore's fact bending…
I think the problem is that if no one says anything about the representation of various cultures in movies, nothing will be done about it. I definitely do not think affirmative action for television and movies is the way to go. But seriously, look at most movies that take place in California and you have to strain…
I did not get the impression that he knew nothing about dolphins; it just seems like he does not want people to get the impression that he thinks he is an expert on dolphins.
Strange Days…
is easily one of my favorite movies. I remember becoming obsessed witht he idea of seeing that movie after seeing the previews. I even talked the priest's (an Anglican priest) daughter into seeing the movie before I saw it. I love that movie.
Proud Liberal
Hey I can say that I have actually even voted for the Green Party in a couple elections. I donate to charity. Volunteer. I do whatever I can to help make this society a little better. Moore is not helping anyone but himself. If you really look into the facts rather than taking Moore at his word you…
poeple dislike Moore because he distorts facts the same way a lot of right wingers do making liberals look bad.
Michael Moore
is definitely making the liberals look bad. The worst part about his going to Cuba thing is that he filed the paperwork to get permission to go to Cuba and did not even bother to wait the couple of weeks for it to be rejected or approved. He is probably going to make up some lie about it for his next…
The whole point in the interview was that they were complaining about the fact that the show makes it look like torturing works. When in fact people will just anything at that point to make it stop. A lot of the people doing interrogation training complained about their trainees referring to 24. Obviously the…
The South
What is with hating on the South. I currently live in New York and can say that I have run into my fair share of inbred ignorant fools up here. Let's just face the fact that this is a bad movie and that retarded people can come from any state.
You should of heard the NPR conversation about how a lot of military personel are upset about 24 because it puts ideas in soldiers heads about how to torture people. Plus they never bothered to have professional interogators and other such help with making the show. Personally, I have never watched it.
I do not understand the fascination with making jokes about sexual violence towards anyone personally. It is lazy and actually offensive at times.
is definitely way above Axe, considering that it does not stink and the ads are hilarious. The Axe ads are funny, whereas the Tag ads just suck. Besides the Old Spice ads have gone well beyond models will want to do you territory.
I read an article that said the grandparents actually decided to sue because they had complained several times before about things the substitute had done in class. they said that it was the only way to finally get the school to do something about a problem teacher.
This could end up being really bad or rather interesting. Personally I enjoyed the first Spy Kids movie. But I kind of find it hard to fathom this being good. But I will wait for at least the previews to make a decision on that one.
I think that a lot of the superhero movies become bad when it is about having powers and not about a person having powers and having to deal with normal life issues. I think that is why Heroes is actually very good. It is realistic. I think that the Thing's lady in real life would at least try to figure…
Well my parents are from Trinidad (a very beautiful and wonderful country to visit, despite being full of my insane relatives). And I can say that without a doubt provocative dancing is not only the norm, it seems to be expected. I think that my mother embaressed me away from dancing in general because of…
Ebert & roeper
I watched a review of this on Ebert and Roeper and the two of them seemed to be so amazingly disturbed by this movie. Actually they looked like it ruined their seeing it and then having to talk about it all over again.
That has to be one of the dumbest requirements that I have ever heard. Can they make it any more obvious that they are trying to screw over indie documentarians?
at least she is donating the money
and I see it this way, who is to say that people would not be calling him a big douche if he were still alive today. Personally, I do not hate her. I just feel sorry for her. I have personally known a lot of people that struggled with drug abuse and some died as a result of it. …