a self-harming emo

I don't think I've ever heard a feminist say that

I think Goldeneye started the trend towards more "realistic" shooters. It rewarded players who were careful, stayed stealthy, aimed for the head, etc. Gunfire was lethal (well, on harder modes, anyway).

If that actually worked and the situation called for it I doubt "good cops" would have any problem doing it. Unless it was without a warrant or something.

I like the politics threads on Something Awful. There's always going to be a mix of trolls, morons, and educated people, but the hair-trigger moderation they've employed in D&D and even GBS, a lot of the threads are pretty good. I've been following the Iran protest thread pretty closely; there are a lot of links to

I also have a Sansa. It stays on shuffle when I turn it off and back on. However, for some reason, the first song is always the same. Luckily, it's a song I don't really care about: "Highway Blues," that light jazz song that comes with Windows. I suppose the quotation marks on the track title make it first,

Oddly familiar…
A commenter named "Symmetriad" suggested basically this exact idea, in review of the Max Payne DVD. I thought it might be too depressing.

Thanks. I'll rent the DVD or something.

I never really tried to get into the West Wing because—from what I had heard about it—I had thought of it as being kind of pro-Bush; somewhere between the inadvertent torture apologia of 24 and straight-up American propaganda.

Pretty sure rhey already have.

"Moore simply juxtaposed it with images of crying schoolchildren to make you think that Heston was saying it at the time, as an in-your-face to the people of Denver.

"Yes, I actually was."

The most violent gang in Winnipeg right now is called — oh god this is embarrassing, I swear I am not making this up — the Mad Cowz.

The Sentinels were awesome because they were so different from the killer robots that people are used to. They weren't these slow juggernauts; they were quick, vicious, and frantic; like rabid monkeys or something. Mostly, though, they didn't have that kind of anthropomophism; they were far more alien than any of the

Snoopy Come Home
I remember there was a Peanuts movie — I can't remember the title, it may have been just "Snoopy Come Home" — where Snoopy has to go visit this girl who had owned him previously and is in the hospital. When she gets out, Snoopy feels he should stay with her. There's a big goodbye party, where people

The article title and picture really piqued my curiosity. I just had to know which writer cried at Titanic. Truthfully, I did too, when I was nine years old…

^ A neat idea, but might it not be a little too much of a buzzkill?

I do believe that Old World Underground is a good album. This one I don't really know a thing about, and the other two are… yawn.

@Mr. Collins

Damn. I started typing out an argue in favour of a liberal arts education, but when I read the thread more carefully, it became obvious that nobody was seriously arguing the other way.

CJ, I live in Winnipeg and I have never seen milk in a bag.