a self-harming emo

No, the double post wasn't intentional. A little ironic, though.

"Duo that shall remain nameless…"
Shit, I hope he's not talking about Daft Punk.

"Duo that shall remain nameless…"
Shit, I hope he's not talking about Daft Punk.

I'm one of those extremely mercenary Winnipeg residents whose heart was broken when the Jets left and was never really able to love again. I basically support whichever Canadian team is doing well.

I got into coffee when I was really young. I drank very wussy coffee, of course—I loaded it with so milk and sugar that would it probably make me a little nauseous now. I suspect that a lot of coffee drinkers start out this way, and end up liking black coffee through a combination of caffeine addiction and operant

This is the first time I've seen ZMF's new avatar. Man that's awesome.

…although, I too laughed a bit at Emporer Jim's comment.

I'm with Indeed. "Ironically" drooling over a female interviewee is childish, offensive and really not fooling anyone.

Car Thief, I'll agree that the cancerAIDS thing has overstayed its welcome, but you are NOT helping.

You misspelled Rorschach. Don't want to seem pedantic, but I don't think I've seen a spelling error in an AV Club headline before.

CancerAIDS are 2008, as bad as the firsties themselves, etc., etc…